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Showing records 1 - 20 (of 87)

Publication: Authored Book (Verfasser eines eigenständigen Buches)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
4640088  Müller, Ivan; Dolley, Danielle; Degen, Jan; Gall, Stefanie; Weiss, Anita; Brügger, Chantal; Nqweniso, Siphesihle; Joubert, Nandi; Adams, Larissa; Lang, Christin; Beckmann, Johanna; Nienhaber, Madeleine; Arnaiz, Patricia; Wälti, Marina; Ludyga, Sebastian; Steinmann, Peter; Utzinger, Jürg; du Randt, Rosa; Gresse, Annelie; Damons, Bruce; Hutton, Tracey; Aerts, Ann; van Greunen, Darelle; Kaiser, Hedwig; Gerber, Markus; Walter, Cheryl; Pühse, Uwe 2022 KaziKidz Teaching Material for Foundation Phase, Grade 1-3: A short version of the teaching resources for Life Skills Teachers in the Foundation Phase Curriculum African Sun Media Publishing House

Publication: Book Item (Buchkap., Lexikonartikel, jur. Kommentierung, Beiträge in Sammelbänden etc.)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
4378462  Ludyga, Sebastian; Brand, Serge; Gerber, Markus; Pühse, Uwe 2018 Exercise as neuroenhancer in children with ADHD: cognitive and behavioral effects Routledge
4378460  Ludyga, Sebastian 2017 Sportaktivität, Stress und das Gehirn Springer

Publication: JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
4655690  Zou, Liye; Wang, Ting; Herold, Fabian; Ludyga, Sebastian; Liu, Weina; Zhang, Yanjie; Healy, Sean; Zhang, Zhihao; Kuang, Jin; Taylor, Alyx; Kramer, Arthur F.; Chen, Sitong; Tremblay, Mark S.; Hossain, M. Mahbub 2023 Associations between sedentary behavior and negative emotions in adolescents during home confinement: Mediating role of social support and sleep quality International journal of clinical and health psychology : IJCHP
4649205  Zhang, Zhihao; Wang, Ting; Kuang, Jin; Herold, Fabian; Ludyga, Sebastian; Li, Jingming; Hall, Daniel L; Taylor, Alyx; Healy, Sean; Yeung, Albert S; Kramer, Arthur F; Zou, Liye 2022 The roles of exercise tolerance and resilience in the effect of physical activity on emotional states among college students. International journal of clinical and health psychology : IJCHP
4107696  Urfer-Maurer, Natalie; Ludyga, Sebastian; Stalder, Tobias; Brand, Serge; Holsboer-Trachsler, Edith; Gerber, Markus; Grob, Alexander; Weber, Peter; Lemola, Sakari 2018 Heart rate variability and salivary cortisol in very preterm children during school age Psychoneuroendocrinology
4602156  Soga, Keishi; Masaki, Hiroaki; Gerber, Markus; Ludyga, Sebastian 2018 Acute and Long-term Effects of Resistance Training on Executive Function Journal of cognitive enhancement
4599330  Schilling, René; Herrmann, Christian; Ludyga, Sebastian; Colledge, Flora; Brand, Serge; Pühse, Uwe; Gerber, Markus 2020 Does Cardiorespiratory Fitness Buffer Stress Reactivity and Stress Recovery in Police Officers? A Real-Life Study Frontiers in Psychiatry
4597807  Schilling, René; Colledge, Flora; Ludyga, Sebastian; Pühse, Uwe; Brand, Serge; Gerber, Markus 2019 Does Cardiorespiratory Fitness Moderate the Association between Occupational Stress, Cardiovascular Risk, and Mental Health in Police Officers? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
4605846  Sallen, Jeffrey; Andrä, Christian; Ludyga, Sebastian; Mücke, Manuel; Herrmann, Christian 2020 School Children's Physical Activity, Motor Competence, and Corresponding Self-Perception: A Longitudinal Analysis of Reciprocal Relationships Journal of Physical Activity and Health
4378457  Pühse, Uwe; Ludyga, Sebastian 2015 Bewegung & Lernen in der Grundschule. Bewegung beeinflusst Gehirnstrukturen Grundschule Sport
4606264  Mücke, Manuel; Ludyga, Sebastian; Colledge, Flora; Pühse, Uwe; Gerber, Markus 2020 The Influence of an Acute Exercise Bout on Adolescents' Stress Reactivity, Interference Control, and Brain Oxygenation Under Stress Frontiers in Psychology
4606266  Mücke, Manuel; Ludyga, Sebastian; Colledge, Flora; Pühse, Uwe; Gerber, Markus 2020 Association of Exercise with Inhibitory Control and Prefrontal Brain Activity Under Acute Psychosocial Stress Brain Sciences
4601876  Mücke, Manuel; Ludyga, Sebastian; Colledge, Flora; Gerber, Markus 2018 Influence of Regular Physical Activity and Fitness on Stress Reactivity as Measured with the Trier Social Stress Test Protocol: A Systematic Review Sports Medicine
4602141  Mücke, Manuel; Ludyga, Sebastian; Brand, Serge; Colledge, Flora; Pühse, Uwe; Gerber, Markus 2021 Associations Between Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Endocrine, Autonomous and Psychological Stress Reactivity in Male Adolescents Journal of Psychophysiology
4622982  Mücke, Manuel; Ludyga, Sebastian; Andrä, Christian; Gerber, Markus; Herrmann, Christian 2021 Associations between physical activity, basic motor competencies and automatic evaluations of exercise Journal of Sports Sciences
3999727  Mücke, Manuel; Andrä, Christian; Gerber, Markus; Pühse, Uwe; Ludyga, Sebastian 2018 Moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, executive functions and prefrontal brain oxygenation in children: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study Journal of Sports Sciences
4605850  Morat, Mareike; Faude, Oliver; Hanssen, Henner; Ludyga, Sebastian; Zacher, Jonas; Eibl, Angi; Albracht, Kirsten; Donath, Lars 2020 Agility Training to Integratively Promote Neuromuscular, Cognitive, Cardiovascular and Psychosocial Function in Healthy Older Adults: A Study Protocol of a One-Year Randomized-Controlled Trial International journal of environmental research and public health
4622974  Ludyga, Sebastian; Tränkner, Sebastian; Gerber, Markus; Pühse, Uwe 2021 Effects of Judo on Neurocognitive Indices of Response Inhibition in Preadolescent Children: A Randomized Controlled Trial Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise
4598796  Ludyga, Sebastian; Schilling, René; Colledge, Flora; Brand, Serge; Pühse, Uwe; Gerber, Markus 2020 Association between cardiorespiratory fitness and social cognition in healthy adults Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports
Showing records 1 - 20 (of 87)

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