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Showing records 1 - 16 (of 16)

Publication: Book Item (Buchkap., Lexikonartikel, jur. Kommentierung, Beiträge in Sammelbänden etc.)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
4527067  Haesen, Sophie; Geneviève, Lester; Elger, Bernice 2019 Personnes agées en Prison RMS Editions

Publication: JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
4627451  Geneviève, Lester Darryl; Martani, Andrea; Perneger, Thomas; Wangmo, Tenzin; Elger, Bernice Simone 2021 Systemic Fairness for Sharing Health Data: Perspectives From Swiss Stakeholders Frontiers in Public Health
4604939  Geneviève, Lester Darryl; Martani, Andrea; Shaw, David; Elger, Bernice Simone; Wangmo, Tenzin 2020 Structural racism in precision medicine: leaving no one behind BMC medical ethics
4683096  Martani, Andrea; Geneviève, Lester Darryl; Wangmo, Tenzin; Maurer, Julia; Crameri, Katrin; Erard, Frédéric; Spoendlin, Julia; Pauli-Magnus, Christiane; Pittet, Valerie; Sengstag, Thierry; Soldini, Emiliano; Hirschel, Bernard; Borisch, Bettina; Kruschel Weber, Cornelia; Zwahlen, Marcel; Elger, Bernice Simone 2023 Sensing the (digital) pulse. Future steps for improving the secondary use of data for research in Switzerland. Digital health
4486819  Geneviève, Lester Darryl; Wangmo, Tenzin; Dietrich, Damien; Woolley-Meza, Olivia; Flahault, Antoine; Elger, Bernice Simone 2018 Research Ethics in the European Influenzanet Consortium: Scoping Review JMIR public health and surveillance
4524028  Martani, Andrea; Geneviève, Lester Darryl; Pauli-Magnus, Christiane; McLennan, Stuart; Elger, Bernice Simone 2019 Regulating the Secondary Use of Data for Research: Arguments Against Genetic Exceptionalism Frontiers in Genetics
4650876  Geneviève, Lester Darryl; Martani, Andrea; Wangmo, Tenzin; Elger, Bernice Simone 2022 Precision Public Health and Structural Racism in the United States: Promoting Health Equity in the COVID-19 Pandemic Response. JMIR public health and surveillance
4511107  Geneviève, Lester Darryl; Martani, Andrea; Wangmo, Tenzin; Paolotti, Daniela; Koppeschaar, Carl; Kjelsø, Charlotte; Guerrisi, Caroline; Hirsch, Marco; Woolley-Meza, Olivia; Lukowicz, Paul; Flahault, Antoine; Elger, Bernice Simone 2019 Participatory Disease Surveillance Systems: Ethical Framework Journal of Medical Internet Research
4627457  Geneviève, Lester Darryl; Martani, Andrea; Elger, Bernice Simone; Wangmo, Tenzin 2021 Individual notions of fair data sharing from the perspectives of Swiss stakeholders. BMC health services research
4523817  Geneviève, Lester Darryl; Martani, Andrea; Mallet, Maria Christina; Wangmo, Tenzin; Elger, Bernice Simone 2019 Factors influencing harmonized health data collection, sharing and linkage in Denmark and Switzerland: A systematic review PLoS ONE
4624718  Martani, Andrea; Geneviève, Lester Darryl; Egli, Sophia Mira; Erard, Frédéric; Wangmo, Tenzin; Elger, Bernice Simone 2021 Evolution or Revolution? Recommendations to Improve the Swiss Health Data Framework Frontiers in Public Health
4525314  Martani, Andrea; Geneviève, Lester Darryl; Poppe, Christopher; Casonato, Carlo; Wangmo, Tenzin 2020 Digital pills: a scoping review of the empirical literature and analysis of the ethical aspects BMC medical ethics
4650244  Martani, Andrea; Egli, Sophia Mira; Geneviève, Lester Darryl; Elger, Bernice Simone; Wangmo, Tenzin 2022 A role-model for data policies? Qualitative study on the governance of health data in Denmark Health Policy and Technology
4619281  Martani, Andrea; Geneviève, Lester Darryl; Elger, Bernice; Wangmo, Tenzin 2021 'It's not something you can take in your hands'. Swiss experts' perspectives on health data ownership: an interview-based study BMJ Open
4656622  Geneviève, Lester; Elger, Bernice; Wangmo, Tenzin 2022 Impact of structural racism on inclusion and diversity in precision oncology: A scoping and critical review of the literature. Cambridge Prisms: Precision Medicine

Publication: Thesis (Dissertationen, Habilitationen)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
4641418  Geneviève, Lester Darryl 2021 Precision Health Approaches: Ethical considerations for health data processing University of Basel
Showing records 1 - 16 (of 16)

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