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Showing records 141 - 160 (of 178)

Publication: JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
4488779  Shaw, David; Trachsel, Manuel; Elger, Bernice S. 2018 Assessment of decision-making capacity in patients requesting assisted suicide British journal of psychiatry
4664336  Lorenzini, Giorgia; Arbelaez Ossa, Laura; Shaw, David Martin; Elger, Bernice Simone 2023 Artificial intelligence and the doctor-patient relationship expanding the paradigm of shared decision making Bioethics
3693547  Dalle Ave, Anne; Shaw, David; Bernat, James 2016 An analysis of heart donation after circulatory determination of death Journal of Medical Ethics
4657862  Wind, Tineke; Jansen, Nichon; Floden, Anne; Haase-Kromwijk, Bernadette; Shaw, David; Gardiner, Dale 2022 An Inventory of Deceased Donor Family Care and Contact Between Donor Families and Recipients in 15 European Countries Transplant International
4606376  Schneble, Christophe Olivier; Elger, Bernice Simone; Shaw, David Martin 2020 All Our Data Will Be Health Data One Day: The Need for Universal Data Protection and Comprehensive Consent Journal of Medical Internet Research
3693196  Galli, S.; Bretschneider, W.; Elger, B.; Handtke, V.; Shaw, D. 2016 Aging Prisoners' Views on Healthcare Services in Swiss Prisons Journal of Applied Gerontology
4602707  Zimmermann, Bettina; Starke, Georg; Shaw, David; Elger, Bernice; Koné, Insa 2020 Actionability and scope should determine the extent of counselling for presymptomatic genetic testing Swiss Medical Weekly
4524551  Satalkar, Priya; Perneger, Thomas; Shaw, David 2019 Accommodating an Uninvited Guest: Perspectives of Researchers in Switzerland on 'Honorary' Authorship Science and Engineering Ethics
4118076  Heidari, Raheleh; Wangmo, Zenzin; Galli, Serena; Shaw, David M.; Elger, Bernice S. 2017 Accessibility of prison healthcare for elderly inmates, a qualitative assessment Journal of forensic and legal medicine
4118099  Shaw, David 2018 A witness protection program for science EMBO reports
4652046  Laura Arbelaez Ossa; Michael Rost; Giorgia Lorenzini; David M. Shaw; Bernice Simone Elger 2022 A smarter perspective: Learning with and from AI-cases Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
4118127  Kostyak, L.; Shaw, D. M.; Elger, B.; Annaheim, B. 2017 A means of improving public health in low- and middle-income countries? Benefits and challenges of international public-private partnerships Public health
4524537  Persson, Kirsten; Appel, Rahel; Shaw, David 2019 A Wicked Fairy in the Woods - how would People alter their Animal Product Consumption if they were affected by the Consequences of their Choices? Food Ethics
3401544  Shaw, David 2015 A Strong Remedy to a Weak Ethical Defence of Homeopathy Journal of Bioethical Inquiry
2289540  Colledge, Flora M. A.; Elger, Bernice S.; Shaw, David M. 2013 "Conferring authorship": biobank stakeholders' experiences with publication credit in collaborative research PLoS ONE
4641362  Erren, Thomas; Mohren, Judith; Shaw, David 2021 Towards a good work-life balance: 10 recommendations from 10 Nobel Laureates Neuro Endocrinol Lett

JournalItem (Kommentare, Editorials, Rezensionen, Urteilsanmerk., etc. in einer wissensch. Zeitschr.

ID Author Year Title Publisher
2745760  Badarau, Domnita O.; Nast, Rebecca L.; Shaw, David M. 2014 The vulnerability of the individual benefit argument The American journal of bioethics
2288852  Shaw, David; Elger, Bernice 2013 The role of persuasion-reply JAMA : the journal of the American Medical Association
3693540  Shaw, David 2016 The Virus of Vagueness in Authorship Journal of Bioethical Inquiry
3693562  Shaw, David 2016 The Untimely Death of the UK Donation Ethics Committee Journal of Medical Ethics
Showing records 141 - 160 (of 178)

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