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Showing records 1 - 4 (of 4)

Publication: JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
4526082  Spirig, Robert; Vogt, Roland; Larsen, Jarl Are; Feigenwinter, Christian; Wicki, Andreas; Franceschi, Joel; Parlow, Eberhard; Adler, Bianca; Kalthoff, Norbert; Cermak, Jan; Andersen, Hendrik; Fuchs, Julia; Bott, Andreas; Hacker, Maike; Wagner, Niklas; Maggs-Kölling, Gillian; Wassenaar, Theo; Seely, Mary 2019 Probing the Fog Life Cycles in the Namib Desert Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
4636189  Spirig, Robert; Vogt, Roland; Feigenwinter, Christian 2021 Droplet size distribution, liquid water content and water input of the seasonally variable, nocturnal fog in the Central Namib Desert Atmospheric Research
4636190  Spirig, Robert; Feigenwinter, Christian; Kalberer, Markus; Parlow, Eberhard; Vogt, Roland 2021 Dolueg A Measurement Network's Face Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
4601307  Feigenwinter, Christian; Franceschi, Joel; Larsen, Jarl Are; Spirig, Robert; Vogt, Roland 2020 On the performance of microlysimeters to measure non-rainfall water input in a hyper-arid environment with focus on fog contribution Journal of Arid Environments
Showing records 1 - 4 (of 4)

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