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Showing records 1 - 20 (of 251)

Publication: JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
167462  van Montfoort, Jessica E; Schmid, Thomas E; Adler, Ilse-Dore; Meier, Peter J; Hagenbuch, Bruno 2002 Functional characterization of the mouse organic-anion-transporting polypeptide 2 Biochimica et biophysica acta
167519  van Montfoort, J E; Stieger, B; Meijer, D K; Weinmann, H J; Meier, P J; Fattinger, K E 1999 Hepatic uptake of the magnetic resonance imaging contrast agent gadoxetate by the organic anion transporting polypeptide Oatp1 The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
167442  van Montfoort, J E; Hagenbuch, B; Groothuis, G M M; Koepsell, H; Meier, P J; Meijer, D K F 2003 Drug uptake systems in liver and kidney Current drug metabolism
167512  van Montfoort, J E; Hagenbuch, B; Fattinger, K E; Müller, M; Groothuis, G M; Meijer, D K; Meier, P J 1999 Polyspecific organic anion transporting polypeptides mediate hepatic uptake of amphipathic type II organic cations The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
167610  Zimmerli, B; Valantinas, J; Meier, P J 1989 Multispecificity of Na+-dependent taurocholate uptake in basolateral (sinusoidal) rat liver plasma membrane vesicles The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
167590  Zimmerli, B; O'Neill, B; Meier, P J 1992 Identification of sodium-dependent and sodium-independent dicarboxylate transport systems in rat liver basolateral membrane vesicles Pflügers Archiv
167418  Yarim, Mine; Moro, Stefano; Huber, Robert; Meier, Peter J; Kaseda, Chosei; Kashima, Toru; Hagenbuch, Bruno; Folkers, Gerd 2005 Application of QSAR analysis to organic anion transporting polypeptide 1a5 (Oatp1a5) substrates Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry
167457  Xiong, Hao; Suzuki, Hiroshi; Sugiyama, Yuichi; Meier, Peter J; Pollack, Gary M; Brouwer, Kim L R 2002 Mechanisms of impaired biliary excretion of acetaminophen glucuronide after acute phenobarbital treatment or phenobarbital pretreatment Drug metabolism and disposition
167509  Warskulat, U.; Kubitz, R.; Wettstein, M.; Stieger, B.; Meier, P. J.; Häussinger, D. 1999 Regulation of bile salt export pump mRNA levels by dexamethasone and osmolarity in cultured rat hepatocytes Biological Chemistry
167428  Wang, Ying; Wimmer, Ursula; Lichtlen, Peter; Inderbitzin, Daniel; Stieger, Bruno; Meier, Peter J; Hunziker, Lukas; Stallmach, Thomas; Forrer, Rhea; Rülicke, Thomas; Georgiev, Oleg; Schaffner, Walter 2004 Metal-responsive transcription factor-1 (MTF-1) is essential for embryonic liver development and heavy metal detoxification in the adult liver The FASEB Journal
167464  Vavricka, Stephan R; Van Montfoort, Jessica; Ha, Huy Riem; Meier, Peter J; Fattinger, Karin 2002 Interactions of rifamycin SV and rifampicin with organic anion uptake systems of human liver Hepatology
167432  Vavricka, Stephan R; Jung, Diana; Fried, Michael; Grützner, Uwe; Meier, Peter J; Kullak-Ublick, Gerd A 2004 The human organic anion transporting polypeptide 8 (SLCO1B3) gene is transcriptionally repressed by hepatocyte nuclear factor 3beta in hepatocellular carcinoma Journal of hepatology
167483  Van Montfoort, JE; Muller, M; Groothuis, GMM; Meijer, DKF; Koepsell, H; Meier, PJ 2001 Comparison of "type I" and "type II" organic cation transport by organic cation transporters and organic anion-transporting polypeptides The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
167426  Turncliff, Ryan Z; Meier, Peter J; Brouwer, Kim L R 2004 Effect of dexamethasone treatment on the expression and function of transport proteins in sandwich-cultured rat hepatocytes Drug metabolism and disposition
167530  Trauner, M; Meier, PJ; Boyer, JL 1998 Molecular pathogenesis of cholestasis The New England journal of medicine
167517  Trauner, M; Meier, P J; Boyer, J L 1999 Molecular regulation of hepatocellular transport systems in cholestasis Journal of hepatology
167482  Sugiyama, D; Kusuhara, H; Shitara, Y; Abe, T; Meier, P J; Sekine, T; Endou, H; Suzuki, H; Sugiyama, Y 2001 Characterization of the efflux transport of 17β-estradiol-D-17β-glucuronide from the brain across the blood-brain barrier The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
167382  Stieger, Bruno; Peters, Rowayda; Sidler, Marguerite-Anne; Meier, Peter J 2006 Hepatocyte transplantation: potential of hepatocyte progenitor cells and bone marrow derived stem cells Swiss Medical Weekly
167378  Stieger, Bruno; Peters, Rowayda; Sidler, Marguerite-Anne; Meier, Peter J 2007 Hepatocyte transplantation: potential of hepatocyte progenitor cells and bone marrow derived stem cells Swiss Medical Weekly
167381  Stieger, Bruno; Meier, Yvonne; Meier, Peter J 2007 The bile salt export pump Pflügers Archiv
Showing records 1 - 20 (of 251)

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