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Showing records 1 - 20 (of 224)
Type Date Title Description ID
Awards, honours and prizes 2002-01-01 EMBO Young Investigator Award (2002)  1522008
Awards, honours and prizes 2005-03-16 Walther Flemming Medal of the German Society for Cell Biology (2005)  1521974
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2009-05-23 ESF-EMBO Symposium "Cell Polarity and Membrane Traffic"  108647
Awards, honours and prizes 2009-11-01 EMBO member (2009)  108109
Awards, honours and prizes 2010-03-10 Binder Innovation Prize (2010)  453865
Awards, honours and prizes 2010-11-02 Excellent Women in Science/AcademiaNet (2010)  1521987
Awards, honours and prizes 2014-07-12 Elected Vice Chair 2015, Chair 2017 Gordon Research Conf. on Molecular Membrane Biology  2799989
Awards, honours and prizes 2015-01-01 Elected Council Member ASCB (term: 2016-2018)  3396697
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2015-07-12 Molecular Membrane Biology-Investigating the Inner Life of the Cell  3396569
Awards, honours and prizes 2016-01-01 Council member of the American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB; term: 2016-2018)  4615093
Awards, honours and prizes 2017-07-05 Chair Gordon Research Conference of Molecular Biology (2017)  4615116
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2017-07-16 of Molecular membrane Biology  4019225
Awards, honours and prizes 2017-07-16 Gordon Research Conference of Molecular Membrane Biology (2017)  4019333
Awards, honours and prizes 2018-01-01 PRIMA selection committee of the SNF, Div. III (since 2018)  4524394
Awards, honours and prizes 2018-01-01 EMBO Global Lecturer - India (2018)  4524396
Awards, honours and prizes 2018-01-01 Editor 2018 issue Current Opinion in Cell Biology "Membrane Traffic"  4615092
Awards, honours and prizes 2019-06-22 Outstanding Lectureship Award, National Taiwan University and Ministry of Science and Technology (2019)  4524398
Awards, honours and prizes 2019-12-01 EMBO workshop on "Cell Polarity and Membrane Dynamics", Sant Feliu de Guixolles, Spain (2021)  4524399
Awards, honours and prizes 2019-12-01 Les Treilles meeting "Cellular communication systems and their regulation" (2021)  4524400
Awards, honours and prizes 2020-09-24 Elected ASCB Fellow (2020)  4606474
Showing records 1 - 20 (of 224)

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