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Showing records 1 - 20 (of 53)
Type Date Title Description ID
Memberships 1999-01-01 Baur, Bruno  Plenum des Forums Biodiversität, Akademie der Naturwissenschaften 470294
Invited presentations at conferences 2010-09-02 Delayed responses of a plant-pollinator system to experimental habitat fragmentation  GfOe-Jahrestagung 470295
Memberships 1999-01-01 Baur, Bruno  Beirat des Forums Biodiversität, Akademie der Naturwissenschaften 470347
Memberships 1996-01-01 Baur, Bruno  Verwaltungsrat des Zoologischen Garten Basel 470354
Memberships 1996-01-01 Baur, Bruno  Fachgruppe "Tierhaltung, Wissenschaft, Forschung" des Zoologischen Garten Basel 470356
Memberships 2001-01-01 Baur, Bruno  Stiftungsrat der Walder-Bachmann Stiftung (CMS, Basel) 470358
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2010-01-29 Fachtagung "Naturschutz in und um Basel"  470383
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2010-09-02 Symposium "Maintenance and promotion of biodiversity in man-made habitats"  470388
Memberships 2007-01-01 Baur, Bruno  Forschungskommission des Schweizerischen Nationalparks (scnat) 470393
Memberships 2004-01-01 Baur, Bruno  Forschungskommission der Vogelwarte Sempach 470394
Memberships 2005-01-01 Baur, Bruno  Kommission "Freizeitnutzung im Allschwiler Wald", Gemeinde Allschwil 470396
Memberships 1996-01-01 Baur, Bruno  Kommission für das Naturhistorische Museum Basel 470398
Memberships 2010-01-01 Baur, Bruno  Arbeitsgruppe "Forschung in Pärken" des Bundesamts Umwelt, BAFU, Bern 470399
Memberships 1995-01-01 Baur, Bruno  Führungsausschuss der GfOe 470401
Invited presentations at conferences 2011-09-08 A city park as a biodiversity hotspot: free-living species in Basel Zoo  GfOe-Jahrestagung 986444
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2011-01-28 Fachtagung "Naturschutz in und um Basel"  986450
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2012-01-27 Fachtagung "Naturschutz in und um Basel  1534588
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2012-09-12 Symposium "Maintenance and promotion of biodiversity in man-made habitats"  1534593
Invited presentations at conferences 2012-09-12 The role of an abandoned railway bridge in connecting urban habitats  GfOe-Jahrestagung 1534599
Invited presentations at conferences 2013-09-12 Snails keep the pace: shift in upper elevational limit on mountain slopes as a respond to climate warming.  GfOe-Jahrestagung 2337963
Showing records 1 - 20 (of 53)

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