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Showing records 1 - 10 (of 10)

Publication: JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
4655922  Frey, Claudia; Sun, Xin; Szemberski, Laura; Casciotti, Karen L.; Garcia-Robledo, Emilio; Jayakumar, Amal; Kelly, Colette; Lehmann, Moritz F.; Ward, Bess B. 2023 Kinetics of nitrous oxide production from ammonia oxidation in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific Limnology and Oceanography
4652092  Tischer, Jana; Zopfi, Jakob; Frey, Claudia; Magyar, Paul M.; Brand, Andreas; Oswald, Kirsten; Jegge, Corinne; Frame, Caitlin H.; Miracle, María R.; Sňria-Perpinyŕ, Xavier; Vicente, Eduardo; Lehmann, Moritz F. 2022 Isotopic signatures of biotic and abiotic N2O production and consumption in the water column of meromictic, ferruginous Lake La Cruz (Spain) Limnology and Oceanography
4652093  Visser, Anna-Neva; Wankel, Scott D. D.; Frey, Claudia; Kappler, Andreas; Lehmann, Moritz F. 2022 Unchanged nitrate and nitrite isotope fractionation during heterotrophic and Fe(II)-mixotrophic denitrification suggest a non-enzymatic link between denitrification and Fe(II) oxidation Frontiers in Microbiology
4631892  Sun, Xin; Frey, Claudia; Garcia-Robledo, Emilio; Jayakumar, Amal; Ward, Bess B. 2021 Microbial niche differentiation explains nitrite oxidation in marine oxygen minimum zones The ISME journal
4631893  Bourbonnais, Annie; Frey, Claudia; Sun, Xin; Bristow, Laura A.; Jayakumar, Amal; Ostrom, Nataniel E.; Casciotti, Karen L.; Ward, Bess B. 2021 Protocols for assessing transformation rates of nitrous oxide in the water column Frontiers in Marine Science
4610499  Wilson, Samuel T.; Al-Haj, Alia N.; Bourbonnais, Annie; Frey, Claudia; Fulweiler, Robinson W.; Kessler, John D.; Marchant, Hannah K.; Milucka, Jana; Ray, Nicholas E.; Suntharalingam, Parvadha; Thornton, Brett F.; Upstill-Goddard, Robert C.; Weber, Thomas S.; Arévalo-Martínez, Damian L.; Bange, Hermann W.; Benway, Heather M.; Bianchi, Daniele; Borges, Alberto V.; Chang, Bonnie X.; Crill, Patrick M.; del Valle, Daniela A.; Farías, Laura; Joye, Samantha B.; Kock, Annette; Labidi, Jabrane; Manning, Cara C.; Pohlman, John W.; Rehder, Gregor; Sparrow, Katy J.; Tortell, Philippe D.; Treude, Tina; Valentine, David L.; Ward, Bess B.; Yang, Simon; Yurganov, Leonid N. 2020 Ideas and perspectives: A strategic assessment of methane and nitrous oxide measurements in the marine environment Biogeosciences
4610497  Frey, Claudia; Bange, Hermann W.; Achterberg, Eric P.; Jayakumar, Amal; Löscher, Carolin R.; Arévalo-Martínez, Damian L.; León-Palmero, Elizabeth; Sun, Mingshuan; Sun, Xin; Xie, Ruifang C.; Oleynik, Sergey; Ward, Bess B. 2020 Regulation of nitrous oxide production in low-oxygen waters off the coast of Peru Biogeosciences
4526838  Cojean, A. N. Y.; Zopfi, J.; Gerster, A.; Frey, C.; Lepori, F.; Lehmann, M. F. 2019 Direct O-2 control on the partitioning between denitrification and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium in lake sediments Biogeosciences
4488293  Ji, Qixing; Frey, Claudia; Sun, Xin; Jackson, Melanie; Lee, Yea-Shine; Jayakumar, Amal; Cornwell, Jeffrey C.; Ward, Bess B. 2018 Nitrogen and oxygen availabilities control water column nitrous oxide production during seasonal anoxia in the Chesapeake Bay BIOGEOSCIENCES

JournalItem (Kommentare, Editorials, Rezensionen, Urteilsanmerk., etc. in einer wissensch. Zeitschr.

ID Author Year Title Publisher
4488291  Wannicke, Nicola; Frey, Claudia; Law, Cliff S.; Voss, Maren 2018 The response of the marine nitrogen cycle to ocean acidification GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY
Showing records 1 - 10 (of 10)

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