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Projects as Co-Investigator

Showing records 1 - 5 (of 5)
Principal Investigator Title Organization Status ID
De Libero, Gennaro Combating Antibiotics Resistant Pneumococci by Novel Strategies Based on in vivo and in vitro Host-Pathogen Interactions (CAREPNEUMO)  Experimental Immunology (De Libero) Completed 1201216
De Libero, Gennaro Identification of lipid antigens expressed by leukemia cells that stimulate non-conventional CD1-restricted T cell responses  Experimental Immunology (De Libero) Completed 1201601
De Libero, Gennaro NEWTBVAC Discovery and preclinical development of new generation tuberculosis vaccines  Experimental Immunology (De Libero) Completed 1201634
De Libero, Gennaro T Cell Biology in Health and Disease  Experimental Immunology (De Libero) Completed 1201611
Pieters, Jean Sinergia -T Cell Biology in Health and Disease  Experimental Immunology (De Libero),
Developmental and Molecular Immunology (Rolink),
Exp. Transplantationsimmunologie und Nephrologie (Palmer),
Biochemistry (Pieters)
Completed 178095
Showing records 1 - 5 (of 5)

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