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Showing records 61 - 78 (of 78)

Publication: JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
4665591  Schwind, B.; Zemp, E.; Jafflin, K.; Späth, A.; Barth, M.; Maigetter, K.; Merten, S.; Kurth, E. 2023 "But at home, with the midwife, you are a person": experiences and impact of a new early postpartum home-based midwifery care model in the view of women in vulnerable family situations BMC Health Serv Res
4651495  Bytyci-Katanolli, A.; Merten, S.; Kwiatkowski, M.; Obas, K.; Gerold, J.; Zahorka, M.; Jerliu, N.; Ramadani, Q.; Fota, N.; Probst-Hensch, N. 2022 Non-communicable disease prevention in Kosovo: quantitative and qualitative assessment of uptake and barriers of an intervention for healthier lifestyles in primary healthcare BMC Health Serv Res
2168780  Merten, Sonja; Schaetti, Christian; Manianga, Cele; Lapika, Bruno; Hutubessy, Raymond; Chaignat, Claire-Lise; Weiss, Mitchell 2013 Sociocultural determinants of anticipated vaccine acceptance for acute watery diarrhea in early childhood in katanga province, democratic republic of Congo American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene
4651067  Bapolisi, W.; Ferrari, G.; Bisimwa, G.; Merten, S. 2021 Gendered determinants of food insecurity in ongoing regional conflicts, North and South Kivu, the Democratic Republic of Congo Agric Food Secur
4663692  Ombere, S. O.; Nyambedha, E. O.; Haller, T.; Merten, S. 2022 Measures adopted by indigent mothers in Kilifi County to tackle maternal health challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study Afr J Reprod Health
2355870  Musheke, Maurice; Bond, Virginia; Merten, Sonja 2013 Self-care practices and experiences of people living with HIV not receiving antiretroviral therapy in an urban community of Lusaka, Zambia : implications for HIV treatment programmes AIDS research and therapy
4481994  Mtenga, Sally M.; Pfeiffer, Constanze; Tanner, Marcel; Geubbels, Eveline; Merten, Sonja 2018 Linking gender, extramarital affairs, and HIV : a mixed methods study on contextual determinants of extramarital affairs in rural Tanzania AIDS research and therapy
1767264  Musheke, Maurice; Bond, Virginia; Merten, Sonja 2013 Deterrents to HIV-patient initiation of antiretroviral therapy in urban Lusaka, Zambia : a Qualitative Study AIDS patient care and STDs
2663249  Gari, S; Martin-Hilber, A; Malungo, J R S; Musheke, M; Merten, S 2014 Sex differentials in the uptake of antiretroviral treatment in Zambia AIDS care
3645863  Merten, Sonja 2016 Ambiguous care : siblings and the economies of HIV-related care in Zambia AIDS care

JournalItem (Kommentare, Editorials, Rezensionen, Urteilsanmerk., etc. in einer wissensch. Zeitschr.

ID Author Year Title Publisher
4603485  Merten, S.; Mlotshwa, L.; Schwarz, J. 2020 Youth, sexuality, gender, and health: dealing with a social phenomenon International journal of public health
2067666  Musheke, Maurice; Ntalasha, Harriet; Gari, Sara; McKenzie, Oran; Bond, Virginia; Martin-Hilber, Adriane; Merten, Sonja 2013 A systematic review of qualitative findings on factors enabling and deterring uptake of HIV testing in Sub-Saharan Africa BMC public health
2433773  Gari, Sara; Doig-Acuna, Camilo; Smail, Tino; Malungo, Jacob R. S.; Martin-Hilber, Adriane; Merten, Sonja 2013 Access to HIV/AIDS care: a systematic review of socio-cultural determinants in low and high income countries BMC Health Services Research

Publication: Other Publications (Forschungsberichte o. ä.)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
3322587  Bifuko, O.; Blake, C.; Elouard, Y.; Gerold, J.; Martin Hilber, A.; Knoblauch, A.; Merten, S.; Ndabihore, N.; Schwarz, J.; Weiss, C.; Nangunia, M. 2015 Adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health survey : survey report 2014 south Kivu province, DRC
3322591  Bifuko, O.; Blake, C.; Elouard, Y.; Gerold, J.; Martin Hilber, A.; Knoblauch, A.; Merten, S.; Ndabihore, N.; Weiss, C.; Nangunia, M. 2015 Enquête sur la santé sexuelle et reproductive des adolescent(e)s et des jeunes adultes : rapport d'enquête 2014 Province du sud Kivu, RDC
3768392  Gerold, J.; Staudacher, S.; Merten, S. 2016 Survey among Medicus Mundi Switzerland members on human rights-based approaches to sexual and reproductive health : study report
2106488  Martin Hilber, A.; Bosch-Capblanch, X.; Schindler, C.; Beck, L.; Sécula, F.; McKenzie, O.; Gari, S.; Stuckli, C.; Merten, S. 2010 Gender and immunisation : summary report for SAGE, November 2010
2067301  Merten, S.; Gari, S. 2013 Sexuelle und reproduktive Gesundheit der Migrationsbevölkerung in der Schweiz und ausgewählten anderen Staaten : Literaturübersicht 2006-2012
Showing records 61 - 78 (of 78)

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