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Showing records 1 - 20 (of 32)

Publication: JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
1195956  Zeller, Andreas 2010 [Medical therapy for smoking cessation] Therapeutische Umschau
3719089  Dürr, Selina; Hersberger, Kurt E.; Zeller, Andreas; Scheuzger, Jonas; Miedinger, David; Gregoriano, Claudia; Leuppi, Jörg D.; Steurer-Stey, Claudia 2016 The integrated care of asthma in Switzerland (INCAS)-study: Patients' perspective of received asthma care and their interest in asthma education The Journal of Asthma
4486180  Speich, Benjamin; Thomer, Anja; Aghlmandi, Soheila; Ewald, Hannah; Zeller, Andreas; Hemkens, Lars G. 2018 Treatments for subacute cough in primary care : systematic review and meta-analyses of randomised clinical trials The British journal of general practice
4211103  Blaser, Lea; Hassna, Hala; Hofmann, Sarah; Holbro, Andreas; Haschke, Manuel; Rätz Bravo, Alexandra; Zeller, Andreas; Krähenbühl, Stephan; Taegtmeyer, Anne 2017 Leucopenia associated with metamizole: a case-control study Swiss medical weekly
1195398  von Garnier, Christophe; Meyer, Martina; Leuppi, Jörg; Battegay, Edouard; Zeller, Andreas 2010 Smoking cessation counselling : impact of chart stickers and resident training Swiss medical weekly
4610364  Giezendanner, Stephanie; Monsch, Andreas U.; Kressig, Reto W.; Mueller, Yolanda; Streit, Sven; Essig, Stefan; Zeller, Andreas; Bally, Klaus 2018 Early diagnosis and management of dementia in general practice - how do Swiss GPs meet the challenge? Swiss Medical Weekly
4526517  Kedzia, S.; Kunz, R.; Zeller, A.; Rosemann, T.; Frey, P.; Sommer, J.; Herzig, L.; Alexanderson, K.; De Boer, W. E. 2015 Sickness certification in primary care: a survey on views and practices among Swiss physicians Swiss Medical Weekly
1194356  Ivanova,K; Zeller,A 2009 [Fatigue and anemia] Schweizerische Rundschau für Medizin Praxis = Revue suisse de médecine PRAXIS
1196282  Miedinger, D.; Drescher, T.; Nester, N.; Zeller, A.; von Garnier, C.; Leuppi, J. D. 2011 [Smoking behaviour and willingness to stop smoking in patients admitted in an internal medicine ward] Schweizerische Rundschau für Medizin PRAXIS
1195760  Litschgi, L.; Fehr, F.; Zeller, A. 2011 [Characteristics of consultations by general practitioners in Switzerland - time, topics and verbal behaviour] Schweizerische Rundschau für Medizin PRAXIS
4225672  Dürr, Selina; Hersberger, Kurt E.; Zeller, Andreas; Scheuzger, Jonas; Miedinger, David; Gregoriano, Claudia; Joos Zellweger, Ladina; Steurer-Stey, Claudia; Leuppi, Jörg Daniel 2017 The Integrated Care of Asthma in Switzerland (INCAS) Study: Changes in Asthma Control and Perception of Health Care through Asthma Education Respiration
4507759  Dieterle, Thomas; Zeller, Andreas; Martina, Benedict; Battegay, Edouard 2001 [Hypertensive emergency] Praxis
3609330  Bless, Philipp J.; Muela Ribera, Joan; Schmutz, Claudia; Zeller, Andreas; Mäusezahl, Daniel 2016 Acute Gastroenteritis and Campylobacteriosis in Swiss primary care: the viewpoint of general practitioners PLoS ONE
4512953  Zúñiga, Franziska; De Geest, Sabina; Guerbaai, Raphaëlle Ashley; Basinska, Kornelia; Nicca, Dunja; Kressig, Reto W.; Zeller, Andreas; Wellens, Nathalie I. H.; De Pietro, Carlo; Vlaeyen, Ellen; Desmedt, Mario; Serdaly, Christine; Simon, Michael 2019 Strengthening Geriatric Expertise in Swiss Nursing Homes: Intercare Implementation Study Protocol Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
1192966  von Garnier, Christophe; Stünitz, Holger; Decker, Michael; Battegay, Edouard; Zeller, Andreas 2008 Pica and refractory iron deficiency anaemia: a case report Journal of medical case reports
1193656  Zeller, Andreas; Schroeder, Knut; Peters, Tim J. 2008 An adherence self-report questionnaire facilitated the differentiation between nonadherence and nonresponse to antihypertensive treatment Journal of clinical epidemiology
4606869  Basinska, Kornelia; Wellens, Nathalie I. H.; Simon, Michael; Zeller, Andreas; Kressig, Reto W.; Zúñiga, Franziska 2021 Registered nurses in expanded roles improve care in nursing homes: Swiss perspective based on the modified Delphi method Journal of Advanced Nursing
4514795  Muench, Ulrike; Simon, Michael; Guerbaai, Raphaëlle-Ashley; De Pietro, Carlo; Zeller, Andreas; Kressig, Reto W.; Zuniga, Franziska; Intercare Research Group, 2019 Preventable hospitalizations from ambulatory care sensitive conditions in nursing homes: evidence from Switzerland International Journal of Public Health
4619856  Yip, Olivia; Huber, Evelyn; Stenz, Samuel; Zullig, Leah L.; Zeller, Andreas; De Geest, Sabina M.; Deschodt, Mieke; Inspire consortium, 2021 A Contextual Analysis and Logic Model for Integrated Care for Frail Older Adults Living at Home: The INSPIRE Project International Journal of Integrated Care
4636090  Dietrich, Fine; Zeller, Andreas; Haag, Melanie; Hersberger, Kurt E; Arnet, Isabelle 2021 Communicating electronic adherence data to physicians-consensus-based development of a compact reporting form Int J Environ Res Pub Health
Showing records 1 - 20 (of 32)

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