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Projects as Principal Investigator

Showing records 1 - 10 (of 10)
Principal Investigator Title Organization Status ID
Grzesiek, Stephan NMR studies of GPCRs: Structure, dynamics and interactions with ligands and signaling proteins  Structural Biology (Grzesiek) Completed 1477384
Grzesiek, Stephan CHAARM  Structural Biology (Grzesiek) Completed 215256
Grzesiek, Stephan Biomacromolecular structures, dynamics and interactions by NMR and new developments in NMR technology  Structural Biology (Grzesiek) Completed 6037
Grzesiek, Stephan Biomacromolecular structures, dynamics and interactions by NMR and new developments in NMR technology.  Structural Biology (Grzesiek) Completed 380289
Grzesiek, Stephan Purchase of a 900 MHz High-Resolution NMR Instrument  Departement Biozentrum / Structural Biology (Grzesiek),
Departement Biozentrum / Structural Biology (Schirmer)
Completed 2244217
Grzesiek, Stephan Structural and dynamical basis of allosteric regulation and inhibition of abelson tyrosine kinase a drug target in the treatment of chronic mylogeneous leukaemia  Departement Biozentrum / Structural Biology (Grzesiek) Completed 3166327
Grzesiek, Stephan Biomacromolecular structures, dynamics and interactions by NMR and new developments in NMR technology  Departement Biozentrum / Structural Biology (Grzesiek) Completed 2190097
Grzesiek, Stephan Biomacromolecular structures, dynamics and interactions by NMR and new developments in NMR technology  Departement Biozentrum / Structural Biology (Grzesiek) Completed 3775406
Grzesiek, Stephan Structures, dynamics and interactions of disease-relevant proteins and new developments in NMR technology  Departement Biozentrum / Structural Biology (Grzesiek) Completed 4618337
Grzesiek, Stephan Structure, dynamics and function of CCR5-arrestin interactions  Departement Biozentrum / Structural Biology (Grzesiek) Completed 4618141
Showing records 1 - 10 (of 10)

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