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Showing records 21 - 40 (of 136)

Publication: JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
3721073  Werner, C.; Hasler, S.; Birkhäuer, J.; Gaab, J. 2016 Effekte, Bedingungen und Anwendungen von Placebos Psych up2date
4635944  Wagner, Cora; Gaab, Jens; Locher, Cosima; Hediger, Karin 2021 Lack of effects of the presence of a dog on pain perception in healthy participants - a randomized controlled trial Frontiers in Pain Research
3346047  Voellmin, Annette; Winzeler, Katja; Hug, Evelin; Wilhelm, Frank H.; Schaefer, Valérie; Gaab, Jens; La Marca, Roberto; Pruessner, Jens C.; Bader, Klaus 2015 Blunted endocrine and cardiovascular reactivity in young healthy women reporting a history of childhood adversity Psychoneuroendocrinology
4636954  Vincent, Alessia; Urben, Tabita; Becker, Christoph; Beck, Katharina; Daetwyler, Christof; Wilde, Michael; Gaab, Jens; Langewitz, Wolf; Hunziker, Sabina 2021 Breaking bad news: A randomized controlled trial to test a novel interactive course for medical students using blended learning Patient education and counseling
4636953  Vincent, Alessia; Beck, Katharina; Becker, Christoph; Zumbrunn, Samuel; Ramin-Wright, Maja; Urben, Tabita; Quinto, Adrian; Schaefert, Rainer; Meinlschmidt, Gunther; Gaab, Jens; Reinhardt, Thomas; Bassetti, Stefano; Schuetz, Philip; Hunziker, Sabrina 2021 Psychological burden in patients with COVID-19 and their relatives 90 days after hospitalization: A prospective observational cohort study Journal of psychosomatic research
4488281  Urech, Corinne; Grossert, Astrid; Alder, Judith; Scherer, Sandra; Handschin, Barbara; Kasenda, Benjamin; Borislavova, Borislava; Degen, Sven; Erb, Jennifer; Faessler, Alexandra; Gattlen, Laura; Schibli, Sarah; Werndli, Celine; Gaab, Jens; Berger, Thomas; Zumbrunn, Thomas; Hess, Viviane 2018 Web-Based Stress Management for Newly Diagnosed Patients With Cancer (STREAM): A Randomized, Wait-List Controlled Intervention Study Journal of clinical oncology
3591980  Trachsel, Manuel; Gaab, Jens 2016 Disclosure of incidental constituents of psychotherapy as a moral obligation for psychiatrists and psychotherapists Journal of Medical Ethics
4152164  Tondorf, Theresa; Kaufmann, Lisa-Katrin; Degel, Alexander; Locher, Cosima; Birkhäuer, Johanna; Gerger, Heike; Ehlert, Ulrike; Gaab, Jens 2017 Employing open/hidden administration in psychotherapy research: A randomized-controlled trial of expressive writing PLoS ONE
4152251  Thaiparambil, Boby Xavier; Waldmeier, Anja; Kunnel John, Roshin; Gaab, Jens 2018 Importance and impediments of education in India: Proposition of a merit-based and social-stratification insensitive approach Journal of Education and Social Sciences
4698094  Stumpp, Leonie; Jauch, Melissa; Sezer, Dilan; Gaab, Jens; Greifeneder, Rainer 2023 Effects of an open-label placebo intervention on reactions to social exclusion in healthy adults: a randomized controlled trial Scientific Reports
2291856  Strahler, Jana; Fischer, Susanne; Nater, Urs M; Ehlert, Ulrike; Gaab, Jens 2013 Norepinephrine and epinephrine responses to physiological and pharmacological stimulation in chronic fatigue syndrome Biological psychology
961760  Storch, Maja; Gaab, Jens; Küttel, Yvonne; Stüssi, Ann-Christin; Fend, Helmut 2007 Psychoneuroendocrine effects of resource-activating stress management training Health Psychology
4488283  Schmid, D. A.; Allum, J. H. J.; Sleptsova, M.; Gross, S.; Gaab, J.; Welge-Lussen, A.; Schaefert, R.; Langewitz, W. 2018 Effects of a program of cognitive-behavioural group therapy, vestibular rehabilitation, and psychoeducational explanations on patients with dizziness and no quantified balance deficit, compared to patients with dizziness and a quantified balance deficit Journal of psychosomatic research
961754  Schlotz, Wolff; Hammerfald, Karin; Ehlert, Ulrike; Gaab, Jens 2011 Individual differences in the cortisol response to stress in young healthy men: testing the roles of perceived stress reactivity and threat appraisal using multiphase latent growth curve modeling Biological Psychology
2819349  Scherer, Sandra; Urech, Corinne; Hösli, Irene; Tschudin, Sibil; Gaab, Jens; Berger, Thomas; Alder, Judith 2014 Internet-based stress management for women with preterm labour-a case-based experience report Archives of Women's Mental Health
3591978  Scherer, S.; Alder, J.; Gaab, J.; Berger, T.; Ihde, K.; Urech, C. 2016 Patient satisfaction and psychological well-being after internet-based cognitive behavioral stress management (IB-CBSM) for women with preterm labor: A randomized controlled trial Journal of Psychosomatic Research
3721074  Rief, W.; Gaab, J. 2016 Die dunkle Seite der Intervention - was hat Placebo mit Psychotherapie zu tun? Verhaltenstherapie
3591982  Prätzlich, Martin; Kossowsky, Joe; Gaab, Jens; Krummenacher, Peter 2016 Impact of short-term meditation and expectation on executive brain functions Behavioural Brain Research
961865  Pruessner, J. C.; Gaab, Jens; Hellhammer, D. H.; Lintz, D.; Schommer, N.; Kirschbaum, C. 1997 Increasing correlations between personality traits and cortisol stress responses obtained by data aggregation Psychoneuroendocrinology
4652370  Ooi, Yoon Phaik; Reed, Marnie; Marchal-Jones, Emma; Meyer, Andrea Hans; Gaab, Jens 2022 Sociocultural Adjustment and Well-being Among Third Culture Kids and Their Families: Protocol for a Longitudinal Study JMIR Research Protocols
Showing records 21 - 40 (of 136)

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