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Showing records 1 - 20 (of 168)

Publication: JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
4611793  Gantenbein, Lorena; Navarini, Alexander; Brandt, Oliver; Mueller, Simon M. 2021 National publication productivity in dermatology: an exploratory analysis of contributing factors International Journal of Dermatology
4611804  Maul, Julia-Tatjana; Distler, Meike; Kolios, Antonios; Maul, Lara Valeska; Guillet, Carole; Graf, Nicole; Imhof, Laurence; Lang, Claudia; Navarini, Alexander A.; Schmid-Grendelmeier, Peter 2021 Canakinumab Lacks Efficacy in Treating Adult Patients with Moderate to Severe Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria in a Phase II Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Single-Center Study The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice
4601869  Hasan Ali, O.; Yurchenko, A. A.; Pavlova, O.; Sartori, A.; Bomze, D.; Higgins, R.; Ring, S. S.; Hartmann, F.; Bühler, D.; Fritzsche, F. R.; Jochum, W.; Navarini, A. A.; Kim, A.; French, L. E.; Dermitzakis, E.; Christiano, A. M.; Hohl, D.; Bickers, D. R.; Nikolaev, S. I.; Flatz, L. 2021 Genomic profiling of late-onset basal cell carcinomas from two brothers with nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology : JEADV
4598103  Murer, Carla; Sgier, David; Mettler, Sofia Kyonhi; Guillet, Carole; Maul, Julia-Tatjana; Djamei, Vahid; Navarini, Alexander A.; Anzengruber, Florian 2021 Gender differences in psoriasis: a Swiss online psoriasis survey Archives of Dermatological Research
4617036  Hamidi, Arsham; Bayhaqi, Yakub A.; Canbaz, Ferda; Navarini, Alexander A.; Cattin, Philippe C.; Zam, Azhar 2021 Long-range optical coherence tomography with extended depth-of-focus: a visual feedback system for smart laser osteotomy Biomedical Optics Express
4611794  Steeb, Theresa; Wessely, Anja; Alter, Mareike; Bayerl, Christiane; Bender, Armin; Bruning, Guido; Dabrowski, Evelyn; Debus, Dirk; Devereux, Nina; Dippel, Edgar; Drexler, Konstantin; Dücker, Pia; Dummer, Reinhard; Emmert, Steffen; Elsner, Peter; Enk, Alexander; Gebhardt, Christoffer; Gesierich, Anja; Goebeler, Matthias; Goerdt, Sergij; Goetze, Steven; Gutzmer, Ralf; Haferkamp, Sebastian; Hansel, Gesina; Hassel, Jessica C.; Heinzerling, Lucie; Kähler, Katharina C.; Kaume, Kjell M.; Krapf, Wolfgang; Kreuzberg, Nicole; Lehmann, Percy; Livingstone, Elisabeth; Löffler, Harald; Loquai, Carmen; Mauch, Cornelia; Mangana, Johanna; Meier, Friedegund; Meissner, Markus; Moritz, Rose K. C.; Maul, Lara Valeska; Müller, Verena; Mohr, Peter; Navarini, Alexander; Van Nguyen, Ahn; Pfeiffer, Christiane; Pföhler, Claudia; Posch, Christian; Richtig, Erika; Rompel, Rainer; Sachse, Michael M.; Sauder, Stefanie; Schadendorf, Dirk; Schatton, Kerstin; Schulze, Hans-Joachim; Schultz, Erwin; Schilling, Bastian; Schmuth, Matthias; Simon, Jan C.; Streit, Markus; Terheyden, Patrick; Thiem, Alexander; Tüting, Thomas; Welzel, Julia; Weyandt, Gerhard; Wesselmann, Ulrich; Wollina, Uwe; Ziemer, Mirjana; Zimmer, Lisa; Zutt, Markus; Berking, Carola; Schlaak, Max; Heppt, Markus V.; German Dermatologic Cooperative Oncology Group, 2021 Patterns of care and follow-up care of patients with uveal melanoma in German-speaking countries: a multinational survey of the German Dermatologic Cooperative Oncology Group (DeCOG) Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology
4613827  Erni, Barbara; Navarini, Alexander A.; Huang, Dorothy; Schoetzau, Andreas; Kind, Andre; Mueller, Simon M. 2021 Proposition of a severity scale for lichen sclerosus: The "Clinical Lichen Sclerosus Score" Dermatologic Therapy
4601868  Deigendesch, Nikolaus; Hirsiger, Julia R.; Bigler, Marc B.; Ghosh, Adhideb; Harder, Dorothee; Jauch, Annaïse; Espinosa, Joaquin M.; Recher, Mike; Navarini, Alexander; Daikeler, Thomas; Berger, Christoph T. 2020 Tumoural soft tissue calcification in Down syndrome: association with heterozygous germline SAMD9 mutation and hyperactive type I interferon signaling Rheumatology
4598093  Goldust, Mohamad; Kroumpouzos, George; Murrell, Dedee F.; Rudnicka, Lidia; Das, Anupam; Lotti, Torello; Navarini, Alexander A. 2020 Update on COVID-19 Effects in Dermatology Specialty Dermatologic Therapy
4598095  Goldust, Mohamad; Zalaudek, Iris; Gupta, Atula; Lallas, Aimilios; Rudnicka, Lidia; Navarini, Alexander A. 2020 Performing dermoscopy in the COVID-19 pandemic Dermatologic Therapy
4598104  Mueller, S. M.; Gantenbein, L.; Navarini, A.; Ständer, S.; Jacob, A.; Popko, L. 2020 The first mention of itch in history? When Egyptologists scratch their heads Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology : JEADV
4599052  Volz, Andreas; Häusermann, Peter; Navarini, Alexander A.; Volz, Thomas 2020 Temporär Gestielte Nasolabiale Schwenklappenplastik Mit Flügeln Zur Rekonstruktion Kombinierter Nasenspitzen-Columella-Defekte Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft = Journal of the German Society of Dermatology : JDDG
4598416  Volz, Andreas; Häusermann, Peter; Navarini, Alexander A.; Volz, Thomas 2020 Two-stage pedicled interpolation flap with wings for reconstruction of combined nasal tip/columella defects Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft = Journal of the German Society of Dermatology : JDDG
4611795  Kamber, Marise S.; Sutter, Mia; Navarini, Alexander; Mueller, Simon M. 2020 Contagious itch and disgust during a lecture on ectoparasitic infestations: Two co-activated complementary parasite defense systems? Dermatologic Therapy
4611800  Benzian-Olsson, Natashia; Dand, Nick; Chaloner, Charlotte; Bata-Csorgo, Zsuzsa; Borroni, Riccardo; Burden, A. David; Cooper, Hywel L.; Cornelius, Victoria; Cro, Suzie; Dasandi, Tejus; Griffiths, Christopher E. M.; Kingo, Külli; Koks, Sulev; Lachmann, Helen; McAteer, Helen; Meynell, Freya; Mrowietz, Ulrich; Parslew, Richard; Patel, Prakash; Pink, Andrew E.; Reynolds, Nick J.; Tanew, Adrian; Torz, Kaspar; Trattner, Hannes; Wahie, Shyamal; Warren, Richard B.; Wright, Andrew; Barker, Jonathan N.; Navarini, Alexander A.; Smith, Catherine H.; Capon, Francesca; Eraspen consortium,; the Apricot and Plum study team, 2020 Association of Clinical and Demographic Factors With the Severity of Palmoplantar Pustulosis JAMA dermatology
4598102  Mueller, Simon M.; Menzi, Sheryl; Kind, André B.; Blaich, Annette; Bayer, Michael; Navarini, Alexander; Itin, Peter; Brandt, Oliver 2020 Sexually transmitted coinfections in patients with anogenital warts - a retrospective analysis of 196 patients Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft = Journal of the German Society of Dermatology : JDDG
4598101  Mueller, Simon M.; Menzi, Sheryl; Kind, André B.; Blaich, Annette; Bayer, Michael; Navarini, Alexander; Itin, Peter; Brandt, Oliver 2020 Sexuell übertragbare Koinfektionen Bei Patienten Mit Anogenitalen Warzen - Eine Retrospektive Analyse Von 196 Patienten Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft
4598098  Feldmeyer, Laurence; Navarini, Alexander A. 2020 Pathophysiologie der autoinflammatorischen Dermatosen ; [Pathophysiology of autoinflammatory dermatoses] Der Hautarzt; Zeitschrift fur Dermatologie, Venerologie, und verwandte Gebiete
4598092  Mueller, Simon M.; Navarini, Alexander A.; Itin, Peter; Schwegler, Simon; Laeuchli, Severin; Goldust, Mohamad; Ivanova, Katja 2020 Pain Reduction by Dehydrated Human Amnion/chorion Membrane Allograft in Non-diabetic Leg Ulcers Might be an Early Indicator of Good Response: A Case Series Dermatologic Therapy
4517951  Satoh, Takashi K.; Mellett, Mark; Meier-Schiesser, Barbara; Fenini, Gabriele; Otsuka, Atsushi; Beer, Hans-Dietmar; Rordorf, Tamara; Maul, Julia-Tatjana; Hafner, Jürg; Navarini, Alexander A.; Contassot, Emmanuel; French, Lars E. 2020 IL-36γ drives skin toxicity induced by EGFR/MEK inhibition and commensal Cutibacterium acnes JCI The Journal of Clinical Investigation
Showing records 1 - 20 (of 168)

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