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Showing records 1 - 20 (of 145)

Publication: Book Item (Buchkap., Lexikonartikel, jur. Kommentierung, Beiträge in Sammelbänden etc.)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
4479005  Jud, Christoph; Cattin, Philippe C.; Preiswerk, Frank 2017 Chapter 14: Statistical Respiratory Models for Motion Estimation Academic Press
3787806  Jud, Christoph; Cattin, Philippe C.; Preiswerk, Frank 2017 14. Statistical Respiratory Models for Motion Estimation Elsevier
2562363  Mueller, B.; Hieber, S. E.; Zumbuehl, A.; Walter, M. A.; Huwyler, J.; Pfohl, T.; Cattin, Ph. C. 2015 Translational Medicine: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology to Improve Patient Care Wiley-VCH
2846055  Schneider, Adrian; Pezold, Simon; Sauer, Andreas; Ebbing, Jan; Wyler, Stephen; Rosenthal, Rachel; Cattin, Philippe C. 2014 Augmented reality assisted laparoscopic partial nephrectomy Springer
2846056  Chicherova, Natalia; Fundana, Ketut; Mueller, Bert; Cattin, Philippe C. 2014 Histology to μCT data matching using landmarks and a density biased RANSAC Springer
2846058  Walti, Jonas; Jost, Gregory; Cattin, Philippe C. 2014 A new cost-effective approach to pedicular screw placement Springer
2562362  Henrich, Paul . B.; Monnier, Christophe A.; Loparic, Marko; Cattin, Philippe C. 2013 Material properties of the internal limiting membrane and their significance in chromovitrectomy Karger
2250102  Preiswerk, Frank; Arnold, Patrik; Fasel, Beat; Cattin, Philippe 2012 A Bayesian Framework for Estimating Respiratory Liver Motion from Sparse Measurements Springer
1016467  Cattin, Philippe C.; Harders, Matthias; Hug, Johannes; Sierra, Raimundo; Székely, Gábor 2005 Computer-Supported Segmentation of Radiological Data Kluwer Academic

Publication: JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
4610887  Abbasi, Hamed; Canbaz, Ferda; Guzman, Raphael; Cattin, Philippe C.; Zam, Azhar 2021 Highly flexible fiber delivery of a high peak power nanosecond Nd:YAG laser beam for flexiscopic applications Biomedical Optics Express
4606463  Iafolla, Lorenzo; Filipozzi, Massimiliano; Freund, Sara; Zam, Azhar; Rauter, Georg; Cattin, Philippe Claude 2021 Machine learning-based method for linearization and error compensation of a novel absolute rotary encoder Measurement
4617036  Hamidi, Arsham; Bayhaqi, Yakub A.; Canbaz, Ferda; Navarini, Alexander A.; Cattin, Philippe C.; Zam, Azhar 2021 Long-range optical coherence tomography with extended depth-of-focus: a visual feedback system for smart laser osteotomy Biomedical Optics Express
4596760  Abbasi, Hamed; Beltrán Bernal, Lina M.; Hamidi, Arsham; Droneau, Antoine; Canbaz, Ferda; Guzman, Raphael; Jacques, Steven L.; Cattin, Philippe C.; Zam, Azhar 2020 Combined Nd:YAG and Er:YAG lasers for real-time closed-loop tissue-specific laser osteotomy Biomedical Optics Express
4605199  Tsagkas, Charidimos; Magon, Stefano; Gaetano, Laura; Pezold, Simon; Naegelin, Yvonne; Amann, Michael; Stippich, Christoph; Cattin, Philippe; Wuerfel, Jens; Bieri, Oliver; Sprenger, Till; Kappos, Ludwig; Parmar, Katrin 2019 Preferential Spinal Cord Volume Loss in Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis Journal
4483288  Abbasi, Hamed; Rauter, Georg; Guzman, Raphael; Cattin, Philippe C.; Zam, Azhar 2018 Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy as a potential tool for autocarbonization detection in laserosteotomy Journal of biomedical optics
4412426  Chicherova, Natalia; Hieber, Simone E.; Khimchenko, Anna; Bikis, Christos; Mueller, Bert; Cattin, Philippe 2018 Automatic deformable registration of histological slides to {μCT} volume {3D}-Data Journal of Microscopy
4478993  Schlee, Markus; Schad, Till; Koch, Jan H.; Cattin, Philippe C.; Rathe, Florian 2017 Clinical performance of self-assembling peptide {P11-4} in treatment of initial proximal carious lesions, a practice based case series Journal of Investigative and Clinical Dentistry
4413085  Andermatt, Simon; Papadopoulou, Athina; Radue, Ernst-Wilhelm; Sprenger, Till; Cattin, Philippe C. 2017 Tracking the Evolution of Cerebral Gadolinium-enhancing Lesions to Persistent T1 Black Holes in Multiple Sclerosis: Validation of a Semiautomated Pipeline Journal of Neuroimaging
4605198  Altermatt, Anna; Santini, Francesco; Deligianni, Xeni; Magon, Stefano; Sprenger, Till; Kappos, Ludwig; Cattin, Philippe; Wuerfel, Jens; Gaetano, Laura 2017 On the construction of a 3D-printed brain phantom as gold standard for the validation of brain segmentations Multiple sclerosis
3787807  Wagner, Joerg; Goldblum, David; Cattin, Philippe C. 2017 Golden Angle Based Scanning for Robust Corneal Topography with OCT Biomedical Optics Express
Showing records 1 - 20 (of 145)

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