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Projects as Co-Investigator

Showing records 1 - 9 (of 9)
Principal Investigator Title Organization Status ID
Roth, Volker weObserve: Integrating Citizen Observers and High Throughput Sensing Devices for Big Data Collection, Integration, and Analysis  Departement Mathematik und Informatik / Datenanalyse (Roth),
Departement Mathematik und Informatik / Datenbanken (Schuldt),
Departement Umweltwissenschaften / Umweltgeowissenschaften (Alewell)
Completed 3700210
Alewell, Christine; Shetaya, Waleed Hares Bioavailability and transformation dynamics of mercury in soil quantified by stable isotope dilution techniques  Departement Umweltwissenschaften / Umweltgeowissenschaften (Alewell) Completed 3395448
Huang, Jen-How Lake eutrophication assessment in Chengdu Tianfu New Area and the potential remediation strategies  Departement Umweltwissenschaften / Umweltgeowissenschaften (Alewell) Completed 3395407
Di Bella, Katrin Nuclear Techniques for a Better Understanding of the Impact of Climate Change on Soil Erosion in Upland Agro-ecosystems  Faculty of Science,
Departement Umweltwissenschaften,
Departement Umweltwissenschaften / Umweltgeowissenschaften (Alewell)
Completed 3394347
Conen, Franz Biological ice nucleators at tropospheric cloud height (4th year)  Departement Umweltwissenschaften / Umweltgeowissenschaften (Alewell) Completed 2820399
Conen, Franz Biological ice nucleators at tropospheric cloud height  Faculty of Science,
Departement Umweltwissenschaften / Umweltgeowissenschaften (Alewell)
Completed 1121996
Körner, Christian The ecological and socio-economic consequences of land transformation in alpine regions: an interdisciplinary assessment and VALuation of current changes in the Ursern Valley, key region in the Swiss central Alps.  Departement Umweltwissenschaften / Pflanzenökologie (Körner),
Departement Umweltwissenschaften / Umweltgeowissenschaften (Alewell),
Departement Wirtschaftswissenschaften / Umweltökonomie (Krysiak)
Completed 55957
Lehmann, Moritz A GC-MS⁄GC-IRMS for the molecular-level analyses of organic matter and the isotopic characterization of inorganic and organic compounds in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems (2008)  Geochemie Stoffkreisläufe (Lehmann) Completed 6260
Holm, Patricia Methodologies to measure and characterise fine sediment input to rivers and their effects on health and reproduction of gravel spawning brown trout (Salmo trutta)  Departement Umweltwissenschaften / Applied Geology (Huggenberger),
Departement Umweltwissenschaften / Umweltgeowissenschaften (Alewell),
Departement Umweltwissenschaften / Aquatische Ökologie (Holm)
Completed 6230
Showing records 1 - 9 (of 9)

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