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Showing records 81 - 100 (of 409)

Publication: Book Item (Buchkap., Lexikonartikel, jur. Kommentierung, Beiträge in Sammelbänden etc.)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
3763403  Mondada, Lorenza 2016 Multimodal resources and the organization of social interaction De Gruyter
3812647  Mondada, Lorenza 2016 Operating together : the collective achievement of surgical action Equinox
3763455  Mondada, Lorenza 2015 Introduction de nouveaux référents et gestion de l’attention conjointe: Les apports de l’analyse interactionnelle multimodale De Boeck supérieur
3762910  Mondada, Lorenza 2015 Social interaction De Gruyter
3763404  Mondada, Lorenza 2015 Multimodal completions John Benjamins
3763445  Mondada, Lorenza 2015 Ethnomethodology Wiley Blackwell
3762903  Mondada, Lorenza 2015 Das Sprechen im Rundfunk als interaktive Montage verschiedener Ressourcen transcript
2780364  Greco, L.; Mondada, L. 2014 Identités en interaction: une approche multidimensionnelle Lambert Lucas
2789962  Haddington, P.; Keisanen, T.; Mondada, L.; Nevile, M. 2014 Towards multiactivity as a social and interactional phenomenon Benjamins
2780334  Markaki, V.; Merlino, S.; Mondada, L.; Oloff, F.; Traverso, V. 2014 Language choice and participation management in international work meetings Bloomsbury
2780348  Merlino, S.; Mondada, L. 2014 Identités fluides dans le travail du traducteur improvisé Lambert Lucas
2789978  Mondada, Lorenza 2014 Cooking instructions and the shaping of things in the kitchen Benjamins
2780397  Mondada, Lorenza 2014 Pointing, talk and the bodies : reference and joint attention as embodied interactional achievements Benjamins
2789935  Mondada, Lorenza 2014 Requesting immediate action in the surgical operating room : time, embodied resources and praxeological embeddedness Benjamins
2789956  Mondada, Lorenza 2014 The temporal orders of multiactivity : operating and demonstrating in the surgical theatre Benjamins
2780380  Mondada, Lorenza 2014 Corps en interaction : une approche séquentielle et multimodale du langage en interaction ENS Editions
2780414  Mondada, Lorenza 2014 Shooting as a research activity : the embodied production of video data Routledge
2780406  Mondada, Lorenza 2014 The surgeon as a camera director : maneuvering video in the operating theatre Routledge
2477285  Haddington, P.; Mondada, L.; Nevile, M. 2013 Being mobile : Interaction on the move De Gruyter
2477254  Markaki, V.; Merlino, S.; Mondada, L.; Oloff, F.; Traverso, V. 2013 Multilingual practices in professional settings: Keeping the delicate balance between progressivity and intersubjectivity Benjamins
Showing records 81 - 100 (of 409)

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