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Application of Multipolar Charge Models and Molecular Dynamics Simulations to Study Stark Shifts in Inhomogeneous Electric Fields
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 84345
Author(s) Devereux, Michael; Plattner, Nuria; Meuwly, Markus
Author(s) at UniBasel Meuwly, Markus
Devereux, Michael
Year 2009
Title Application of Multipolar Charge Models and Molecular Dynamics Simulations to Study Stark Shifts in Inhomogeneous Electric Fields
Journal Journal of Physical Chemistry A
Volume 113
Number 47
Pages / Article-Number 13199-209
Mesh terms Carbon Monoxide, chemistry; Computer Simulation; Electromagnetic Fields; Hydrogen, chemistry; Models, Chemical; Quantum Theory
Abstract Atomic multipole moments are used to investigate vibrational frequency shifts of CO and H(2) in uniform and inhomogeneous electric fields using ab initio calculations and Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations. The importance of using atomic multipole moments that can accurately represent both molecular electrostatics and the vibrational response of the molecule to changes in the local electric field is highlighted. The vibrational response of CO to applied uniform and inhomogeneous electric fields is examined using Density Functional Theory calculations for a range of test fields, and the results are used to assess the performance of different atomic multipole models. In uniform fields, the calculated Stark tuning rates of Deltamu = 0.52 cm(-1)/(MV/cm) (DFT), Deltamu = 0.55 cm(-1)/(MV/cm) (fluctuating three-point charge model), and Deltamu = 0.64 cm(-1)/(MV/cm) (Multipole model up to octupole), compare favorably with the experimentally measured value of 0.67 cm(-1)/(MV/cm). For H(2), which has no permanent dipole moment, CCSD(T) calculations demonstrate the importance of bond-weakening effects in force fields in response to the applied inhomogeneous electric field. Finally, CO in hexagonal ice is considered as a test system to highlight the performance of selected multipolar models in MD simulations. The approach discussed here can be applied to calibrate a range of multipolar charge models for diatomic probes, with applications to interpret Stark spectroscopy measurements in protein active sites.
Publisher American Chemical Society
ISSN/ISBN 1089-5639 ; 1520-5215
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1021/jp903954t
PubMed ID
ISI-Number WOS:000271825800017
Document type (ISI) Journal Article

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