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Condensed matter theory: Magnetism, electron-transport and spintronics in nanostructures
Third-party funded project
Project title Condensed matter theory: Magnetism, electron-transport and spintronics in nanostructures
Principal Investigator(s) Loss, Daniel
Organisation / Research unit Departement Physik / Theoretische Physik Mesoscopics (Loss)
Project start 01.04.2008
Probable end 31.03.2011
Status Completed

The physics of quantum computing, or more generally quantum information processing, has become a research field of its own involving many different areas of condensed matter theory like many-particle effects in and out of equilibrium, interaction effects, time dependent external fields, and, most importantly, phase-coherence of single and many particle states (entanglement). Our proposal of a quantum computer based on the electron-spin in quantum dots has attracted wide interest (being one of the highest cited research papers in the field worldwide) as it points the way to a scalable solid state implementation of quantum computing. We have also pioneered the concept of mobile spin-qubits in the solid state (quantum communication) for which a number of entanglers have been proposed and also schemes for the detection of spin entanglement via noise measurements. Spintronics and spin-based quantum computing in the solid-state have become strongly interconnected fields where fundamental issues related to the spin dynamics of electrons in novel magnetic and non-magnetic semiconductors are at the center of interest. We will continue our study in this direction and plan to work on the following topics:
2.A Relaxation and decoherence of electron and hole spins in quantum dots: Relaxation and dy- namics of electron and hole spins in quantum dots due to spin-orbit and hyperfine interactions. Relaxation and dynamics of nuclear spin configurations due to direct dipolar and RKKY interaction.
2.B Nuclear ferromagnetism in interacting electron gases: Nuclear ferromagnetic phase transition triggered through effective nuclear spin interaction due to hyperfine coupling to an interacting electron gas.
Investigation of the essential non-Fermi-liquid corrections to the electron spin response functions.
2.C Electron transport and spin effects: Spin fluctuations and spin-orbit interactions in mesoscopic dis- ordered 2D electron gases. Corrections to the electron gas characteristics from electron-electron interactions beyond standard Landau-Fermi liquid theory. Cotunneling and transport involving non-Abelian edge states in fractional quantum Hall effect systems.
2.D Quantum computing and entanglement: Production of multipartite entanglement for spin qubits.
Entanglement of ground states and entanglement measures in multipartite qubit systems.

Keywords strong correlations, Spin physics in semiconducting nanostructures, quantum dots and 2DEGs, electron and nuclear spins, spin orbit effects in quantum dots, nuclear ferromagnetism, Condensed Matter Theory, molecular magnets, nanomagnetism, spin Hall effect
Financed by Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)

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