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The mechanism regulating the dissociation of the centrosomal protein C-Nap1 from mitotic spindle poles
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 59348
Author(s) Mayor, Thibault; Hacker, Ulrike; Stierhof, York-Dieter; Nigg, Erich A
Author(s) at UniBasel Nigg, Erich
Year 2002
Title The mechanism regulating the dissociation of the centrosomal protein C-Nap1 from mitotic spindle poles
Journal Journal of cell science
Volume 115
Number Pt 16
Pages / Article-Number 3275-84
Keywords C-Nap1, Nek2, centrosome, mitotic spindle, phosphorylation
Abstract The centrosomal protein C-Nap1 is thought to play an important role in centrosome cohesion during interphase of the cell cycle. At the onset of mitosis, when centrosomes separate for bipolar spindle formation, C-Nap1 dissociates from centrosomes. Here we report the results of experiments aimed at determining whether the dissociation of C-Nap1 from mitotic centrosomes is triggered by proteolysis or phosphorylation. Specifically, we analyzed both the cell cycle regulation of endogenous C-Nap1 and the fate of exogenously expressed full-length C-Nap1. Western blot analyses suggested a reduction in the endogenous C-Nap1 level during M phase, but studies using proteasome inhibitors and destruction assays performed in Xenopus extracts argue against ubiquitin-dependent degradation of C-Nap1. Instead, our data indicate that the mitotic C-Nap1 signal is reduced as a consequence of M-phase-specific phosphorylation. Overexpression of full-length C-Nap1 in human U2OS cells caused the formation of large structures that embedded the centrosome and impaired its microtubule nucleation activity. Remarkably, however, these centrosome-associated structures did not interfere with cell division. Instead, centrosomes were found to separate from these structures at the onset of mitosis, indicating that a localized and cell-cycle-regulated activity can dissociate C-Nap1 from centrosomes. A prime candidate for this activity is the centrosomal protein kinase Nek2, as the formation of large C-Nap1 structures was substantially reduced upon co-expression of active Nek2. We conclude that the dissociation of C-Nap1 from mitotic centrosomes is regulated by localized phosphorylation rather than generalized proteolysis.
Publisher Company of Biologists
ISSN/ISBN 0021-9533
Full Text on edoc No
PubMed ID
ISI-Number WOS:000177825800006
Document type (ISI) Journal Article

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