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Civility as a pedagogical category = Kyoyukhakjŏk pumju rosŏŭi siminjŏk yeŭi
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 480251
Author(s) Reichenbach, Roland
Author(s) at UniBasel Reichenbach, Roland
Year 2010
Title Civility as a pedagogical category = Kyoyukhakjŏk pumju rosŏŭi siminjŏk yeŭi
Journal The Korean journal of philosophy of education
Volume 50
Number Dec. 2010
Pages / Article-Number 87-104
Keywords civility, civic education, moral education, deception, manners, decent behavior, truth and democracy, 시민적 예의, 시민교육, „•교육, 속„, 예의”절, 고상• –™, „리, 민주주의
Abstract The role of manners and decent behavior for democratic ways of living are explored, as well as the role of truth claims in and for the political realm. On the one hand, it is argued that members of civil societies recognize the importance of truth claims that shape and limit the political sphere. On the other hand there is a focus on the social significance of decent behavior. Decent behavior may require the ability of distancing oneself from rigid pursuits and expressions of truth. From enlightenment and post-enlightenment perspectives, the importance of good behavior for a democratic way of life is easily underestimated. The notion of civility therefore is not particularly prominent in the debate on education and democracy which usually rather focuses on questions of competence. The article tries to highlight the ambivalence of civility which may be construed as the sum of sacrifices human beings have to make for living together. This ambivalence is rooted in the fact that civility means manners, distance and friendly appearances, i.e. also deception.
Publisher The Korean Philosophy of Education Society
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.15754/jkpe.2010..50.004
ISI-Number KJD:ART001508196
Document type (ISI) research-article
Additional Information Note: Text in englisch und koreanisch

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