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Particle transport in a karst aquifer : natural and artifical tracer experiments with bacteria, bacteriophages and microspheres
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 474603
Author(s) Auckenthaler, A; Raso, G; Huggenberger, P
Author(s) at UniBasel Huggenberger, Peter
Year 2002
Title Particle transport in a karst aquifer : natural and artifical tracer experiments with bacteria, bacteriophages and microspheres
Journal Water Science and Technology
Volume 46
Number 3
Pages / Article-Number 131-8
Keywords karst aquifer, microorganisms, particle transport, pathogens, tracer

Fast changes in spring water quality in karst areas are a major concern for production of drinking water and require detailed knowledge of the complex interaction between karst aquifer, transport behavior of microorganisms and water treatment We have conducted artificial and natural particle transport experiments at a karst spring with bacteria, bacteriophages, microspheres, and pathogens Transport of the investigated microorganisms, turbid matter and chemical pullutants as well as increase in discharge are strongly related to precipitation and the heterogeneity of the aquifer The indicator bacteria E cob revealed a significant correlation to verotoxin-producing E cob and Cryptosporidium spp We conclude that artificial particle tracers can help identify "hot spots" for microbial recharge and that system parameters in spring water such as turbidity, UV-extinction and increase in discharge can be key parameters for efficient raw water management.

ISSN/ISBN 0273-1223
Full Text on edoc No
PubMed ID
ISI-Number WOS:000178025500017
Document type (ISI) ArticleProceedings Paper

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