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Tree-ring isotopes from the Swiss Alps reveal non-climatic fingerprints of cyclic insect population outbreaks over the past 700 years
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4694368
Author(s) Vitali, Valentina; Peters, Richard L.; Lehmann, Marco M.; Leuenberger, Markus; Treydte, Kerstin; Büntgen, Ulf; Schuler, Philipp; Saurer, Matthias
Author(s) at UniBasel Peters, Richard
Year 2023
Title Tree-ring isotopes from the Swiss Alps reveal non-climatic fingerprints of cyclic insect population outbreaks over the past 700 years
Journal Tree Physiology
Volume 43
Number 5
Pages / Article-Number 706-721
Keywords Zeiraphera griseana; dendroecology; deuterium; ecophysiology; insect defoliation; insect outbreak; plant–pathogen interaction; stable isotope; tree physiology; tree-ring cellulose
Mesh terms Animals; Trees; Switzerland; Oxygen Isotopes, analysis; Moths, physiology; Larix, physiology; Carbon Isotopes, analysis
Abstract Recent experiments have underlined the potential of δ2H in tree-ring cellulose as a physiological indicator of shifts in autotrophic versus heterotrophic processes (i.e., the use of fresh versus stored non-structural carbohydrates). However, the impact of these processes has not yet been quantified under natural conditions. Defoliator outbreaks disrupt tree functioning and carbon assimilation, stimulating remobilization, therefore providing a unique opportunity to improve our understanding of changes in δ2H. By exploring a 700-year tree-ring isotope chronology from Switzerland, we assessed the impact of 79 larch budmoth (LBM, Zeiraphera griseana [Hübner]) outbreaks on the growth of its host tree species, Larix decidua [Mill]. The LBM outbreaks significantly altered the tree-ring isotopic signature, creating a 2H-enrichment and an 18O- and 13C-depletion. Changes in tree physiological functioning in outbreak years are shown by the decoupling of δ2H and δ18O (O-H relationship), in contrast to the positive correlation in non-outbreak years. Across the centuries, the O-H relationship in outbreak years was not significantly affected by temperature, indicating that non-climatic physiological processes dominate over climate in determining δ2H. We conclude that the combination of these isotopic parameters can serve as a metric for assessing changes in physiological mechanisms over time.
Publisher Oxford University Press
ISSN/ISBN 0829-318X ; 1758-4469
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1093/treephys/tpad014
PubMed ID
ISI-Number 000951722300001
Document type (ISI) Journal Article

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