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Phosphorylation but Not Oligomerization Drives the Accumulation of Tau with Nucleoporin Nup98
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4663455
Author(s) Diez, Lisa; Kapinos, Larisa E.; Hochmair, Janine; Huebschmann, Sabrina; Dominguez-Baquero, Alvaro; Vogt, Amelie; Rankovic, Marija; Zweckstetter, Markus; Lim, Roderick Y. H.; Wegmann, Susanne
Author(s) at UniBasel Lim, Roderick
Kapinos Schneider, Larisa E.
Year 2022
Title Phosphorylation but Not Oligomerization Drives the Accumulation of Tau with Nucleoporin Nup98
Journal International journal of molecular sciences
Volume 23
Number 7
Pages / Article-Number 3495
Keywords FG-Nups; MAPT; nuclear pore complex; posttranslational modifications
Mesh terms Active Transport, Cell Nucleus; Humans; Nuclear Pore, metabolism; Nuclear Pore Complex Proteins, metabolism; Phosphorylation; Tauopathies, metabolism; tau Proteins, metabolism
Abstract Tau is a neuronal protein that stabilizes axonal microtubules (MTs) in the central nervous system. In Alzheimer's disease (AD) and other tauopathies, phosphorylated Tau accumulates in intracellular aggregates, a pathological hallmark of these diseases. However, the chronological order of pathological changes in Tau prior to its cytosolic aggregation remains unresolved. These include its phosphorylation and detachment from MTs, mislocalization into the somatodendritic compartment, and oligomerization in the cytosol. Recently, we showed that Tau can interact with phenylalanine-glycine (FG)-rich nucleoporins (Nups), including Nup98, that form a diffusion barrier inside nuclear pore complexes (NPCs), leading to defects in nucleocytoplasmic transport. Here, we used surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and bio-layer interferometry (BLI) to investigate the molecular details of Tau:Nup98 interactions and determined how Tau phosphorylation and oligomerization impact the interactions. Importantly, phosphorylation, but not acetylation, strongly facilitates the accumulation of Tau with Nup98. Oligomerization, however, seems to inhibit Tau:Nup98 interactions, suggesting that Tau-FG Nup interactions occur prior to oligomerization. Overall, these results provide fundamental insights into the molecular mechanisms of Tau-FG Nup interactions within NPCs, which might explain how stress-and disease-associated posttranslational modifications (PTMs) may lead to Tau-induced nucleocytoplasmic transport (NCT) failure. Intervention strategies that could rescue Tau-induced NCT failure in AD and tauopathies will be further discussed.
Publisher Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
ISSN/ISBN 1661-6596 ; 1422-0067
Full Text on edoc Available
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.3390/ijms23073495
PubMed ID
ISI-Number WOS:000781286100001
Document type (ISI) Journal Article

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