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Antibody bivalency improves antiviral efficacy by inhibiting virion release independently of Fc gamma receptors.
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4663269
Author(s) Sahin, Mehmet; Remy, Melissa M; Fallet, Benedict; Sommerstein, Rami; Florova, Marianna; Langner, Anna; Klausz, Katja; Straub, Tobias; Kreutzfeldt, Mario; Wagner, Ingrid; Schmidt, Cinzia T; Malinge, Pauline; Magistrelli, Giovanni; Izui, Shozo; Pircher, Hanspeter; Verbeek, J Sjef; Merkler, Doron; Peipp, Matthias; Pinschewer, Daniel D
Author(s) at UniBasel Pinschewer, Daniel
Year 2022
Title Antibody bivalency improves antiviral efficacy by inhibiting virion release independently of Fc gamma receptors.
Journal Cell reports
Volume 38
Number 5
Pages / Article-Number 110303
Keywords Fc gamma receptors; antibody bivalency; antiviral protection; humoral immunity; immunoglobulin superfamily; inhibition of virion release; lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV); virus budding; virus neutralization
Mesh terms Animals; Antibodies, Neutralizing, immunology, pharmacology; Antibodies, Viral, immunology, pharmacology; Antiviral Agents, pharmacology; Epitopes, drug effects, immunology; HIV Antibodies, immunology, pharmacology; Immunoglobulin G, drug effects, immunology; Mice, Inbred C57BL; Receptors, Fc, drug effects; Receptors, IgG, drug effects, immunology

Across the animal kingdom, multivalency discriminates antibodies from all other immunoglobulin superfamily members. The evolutionary forces conserving multivalency above other structural hallmarks of antibodies remain, however, incompletely defined. Here, we engineer monovalent either Fc-competent or -deficient antibody formats to investigate mechanisms of protection of neutralizing antibodies (nAbs) and non-neutralizing antibodies (nnAbs) in virus-infected mice. Antibody bivalency enables the tethering of virions to the infected cell surface, inhibits the release of virions in cell culture, and suppresses viral loads in vivo independently of Fc gamma receptor (FcγR) interactions. In return, monovalent antibody formats either do not inhibit virion release and fail to protect in vivo or their protective efficacy is largely FcγR dependent. Protection in mice correlates with virus-release-inhibiting activity of nAb and nnAb rather than with their neutralizing capacity. These observations provide mechanistic insights into the evolutionary conservation of antibody bivalency and help refining correlates of nnAb protection for vaccine development.

ISSN/ISBN 2211-1247
Full Text on edoc
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1016/j.celrep.2022.110303
PubMed ID

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