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Introduction: Charity, Relief and Humanitarianism as a Means of Maintaining Social and Political Stability in the Middle East. A Longue Durée Analysis of Actors, Categories and Practices
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4661957
Author(s) Naïli, Falestin; Napolitano, Valentina; Piraud-Fournet, Pauline
Author(s) at UniBasel Naïli, Falestin
Year 2022
Title Introduction: Charity, Relief and Humanitarianism as a Means of Maintaining Social and Political Stability in the Middle East. A Longue Durée Analysis of Actors, Categories and Practices
Journal Endowment Studies
Volume 6
Number 1-2
Pages / Article-Number 1-31
Keywords Charity, Humanitarianism, Relief, Waqf, Aid, Human mobility, Forced Displacement, Middle East
Abstract Different forms of charity, relief and humanitarian action can be jointly approached as a means of governance and social regulation. More precisely, in the Middle East the question of stability - social and political - can be considered as a central driver for local and international actors alike. This study adopts a broad historical framework, reaching from antiquity to the present day, with the aim of approaching the subject with an openness conducive to understanding the evolution of the actors, modes of action and representations underlying aid initiatives. The longue durée approach allows to show two main specificities of the modern and contemporary Middle East: firstly, the evolution of aid practices is directly linked to human mobility, since they are connected to religious practices, commerce or violence, which led to the need to take a census, to categorise and sometimes isolate populations in order to govern and control them. Secondly, in the absence of the welfare state as the most important provider of aid, the state has until today in the Middle East much less prominence among the multiplicity of aid providers, such as the family, non-governmental, religious and community organisations.
Publisher Brill
ISSN/ISBN 2468-595X ; 2468-5968
Full Text on edoc Available
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1163/24685968-06010008

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