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Scales of transformations—Modelling settlement and land-use dynamics in late antique and early medieval Basel, Switzerland
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4661571
Author(s) Kempf, Michael; Depaermentier, Margaux L. C.
Author(s) at UniBasel Depaermentier, Margaux
Year 2023
Title Scales of transformations—Modelling settlement and land-use dynamics in late antique and early medieval Basel, Switzerland
Journal PLOS ONE
Pages / Article-Number 0280321
Keywords Geology, Rhine, Rivers, Flooding, Drought, Land-use, Funeral topography

Multicomponent environmental models have increasingly found their way into archaeological research. Mostly, these models aim to understand human patterns as a result of past climatic and environmental conditions over long-term periods. However, major limitations are the low spatial and temporal resolution of the environmental data, and hence the rather static model output. Particular challenges are thus the number of chosen variables, the comprehensiveness of the explanatory parameters, and the integration of socio-cultural decision-making into the model. Here, we present a novel approach to generate annually resolved landcover variability using a broad variety of climatic, geological, hydrological, topographical, and dendrochronological data composites (Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI)). We analyze land-use and settlement capacity and vulnerability to estimate the socio-cultural transformation processes at Basel (Switzerland) during the Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages. Our results highlight the potential of the PDSI to predict local river run-off behavior from catchment analyses. The model enables to trace landcover as well as socio-cultural response to climatic variability and subsequent adaptation to trends in environmental vulnerability. This approach further helps to understand population dynamics in the periphery of the Roman administrative boundaries and to revise traditional archaeological narratives of large-scale population replacements during the so-called Migration Period.

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