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A controllability method for Maxwell's Equations
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4661333
Author(s) Chaumont-Frelet, Théophile; Grote, Marcus J.; Lantéri, Stéphane; Tang, Jet-Hoe
Author(s) at UniBasel Grote, Marcus J.
Year 2022
Title A controllability method for Maxwell's Equations
Journal SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
Volume 44
Number 6
Pages / Article-Number A3700-A3727
Abstract We propose a controllability method for the numerical solution of time-harmonic Maxwell's equations in their first-order formulation. By minimizing a quadratic cost functional, which measures the deviation from periodicity, the controllability method determines iteratively a periodic solution in the time domain. At each conjugate gradient iteration, the gradient of the cost functional is simply computed by running any time-dependent simulation code forward and backward for one period, thus leading to a nonintrusive implementation easily integrated into existing software. Moreover, the proposed algorithm automatically inherits the parallelism, scalability, and low memory footprint of the underlying time-domain solver. Since the time-periodic solution obtained by minimization is not necessarily unique, we apply a cheap postprocessing filtering procedure which recovers the time-harmonic solution from any minimizer. Finally, we present a series of numerical examples which show that our algorithm greatly speeds up the convergence toward the desired time-harmonic solution when compared to simply running the time-marching code until the time-harmonic regime is eventually reached.
Publisher Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
ISSN/ISBN 1064-8275 ; 1095-7197
Full Text on edoc Available
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1137/21M1424445

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