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New insights into the distribution, ecology, and systematic position of the rare water mite Rutripalpus limicola Sokolow, 1934 (Acari: Rutripalpidae)
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4660567
Author(s) Wiggers, Rink; Gerecke, Reinhard; Blattner, Lucas André
Author(s) at UniBasel Blattner, Lucas
Year 2023
Title New insights into the distribution, ecology, and systematic position of the rare water mite Rutripalpus limicola Sokolow, 1934 (Acari: Rutripalpidae)
Journal Acarologia
Volume 63
Number 1
Pages / Article-Number 106-121
Keywords Rutripalpidae; distribution; parasite-host relationship; Ptychopteridae; phylogenetic placement; 28S; COI
Abstract The water mite Rutripalpus limicola Sokolow, 1934, can be considered exceptionally rare. It shows a scattered distribution range and, until recently, was known from six sites across Europe only. This strictly spring-dwelling species has a highly localised distribution, presumably due to its specific ecological requirements. We present the first records of R. limicola in the Netherlands and review the current state of knowledge on its distribution and biology. In addition to the previously existing morphology-based investigations, we provide a phylogenetic placement based on 28S rRNA gene data and shed light on the controversial systematic position of R. limicola : In contrast to the previously hypothesised Lebertioidea-relatedness of the isolated, monotypic family Rutripalpidae, our results reveal a putative Hydryphantoidea association. Moreover, we discuss the host-parasite association of R. limicola larvae and the dipteran family Ptychopteridae. Combined with additional information derived from the new records from the Netherlands, we contribute to a better understanding of this elusive species' biology and phylogenetic position.
Publisher Acarologia
ISSN/ISBN 0044-586X ; 2107-7207
Full Text on edoc Available
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.24349/du6j-ygm2
Document type (ISI) article

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