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2,5-Diaryl 6-hydroxyphenalenones for Single-Molecule Junctions
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4658366
Author(s) Vogel, David; Ornago, Luca; Wegeberg, Christina; Prescimone, Alessandro; van der Zant, Herreder; Mayor, Marcel
Author(s) at UniBasel Mayor, Marcel
Vogel, David
Wegeberg, Christina
Prescimone, Alessandro
Year 2022
Title 2,5-Diaryl 6-hydroxyphenalenones for Single-Molecule Junctions
Journal Organic Materials
Volume 4
Number 3
Pages / Article-Number 102-126
Keywords oxophenalenoxyl radicals, 6‑hydroxyphenalenone, molecular switches, voltammetry, organic chemistry, molecular break junctions
Abstract A modular access to 2,5-diaryl 6-hydroxyphenalenone derivatives is developed and demonstrated by a small series of 5 molecules. Within this series, the structures 1 and 2 expose terminal methylsulfanyl anchor groups, enabling their integration in a single-molecule junction. The modular synthesis is based on Suzuki cross-coupling of the aryl substituents as boronic acid precursors with 5,8-dibromo-2-(tert-butyl)-4,9-dimethoxy-2,3-dihydro-1H-phenalen-1-one, and the subsequent transformation of the product to the desired 2,5-diaryl 6-hydroxyphenalenone in a reduction/deprotection sequence. The new structures are fully characterized and their optical and electrochemical properties are analysed. For the derivatives 1 and 2 suitable for single-molecule junctions, the corresponding oxophenalenoxyl radicals 1R and 2R were obtained by oxidation and analysed by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. Preliminary mechanical break junction experiments with 1 display the structureʼs ability to form transient single-molecule junctions. The intention behind the molecular design is to profit from the various redox states of the structure (including the neutral radical) as a molecular switch in an electrochemically triggered single-molecule transport experiment.
Publisher Thieme Open
ISSN/ISBN 2625-1825
Full Text on edoc Available
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1055/a-1926-6340

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