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The concordance of signals based on irregular incremental lines in the human tooth cementum with documented pregnancies: Results from a systematic approach
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4657809
Author(s) Mani-Caplazi, Gabriela; Vach, Werner; Wittwer-Backofen, Ursula; Hotz, Gerhard
Author(s) at UniBasel Vach, Werner
Hotz, Gerhard
Mani, Gabriela
Year 2022
Title The concordance of signals based on irregular incremental lines in the human tooth cementum with documented pregnancies: Results from a systematic approach
Journal PLoS ONE
Volume 17
Number 9
Pages / Article-Number e0267336
Mesh terms Archaeology; Cementogenesis; Dental Cementum; Female; Humans; Pregnancy; Tooth; Tooth Root, pathology
Abstract Background and objective There is evidence from previous studies that pregnancies and diseases are recorded in the tooth cementum. This study aims to assess the degree of concordance between signals based on irregular incremental lines (ILs) and reported pregnancies. Material and methods 23 recent and 24 archaeological human teeth with known birth history were included in this investigation. 129 histological sections of tooth roots were assessed for irregularities in appearance and width using a standardized protocol. Similarity of observed irregularities at the section level allowed us to define signals at the tooth level. The sensitivity of signals to detect pregnancies was determined and related to the signal prevalence. Results Pregnancy signals were frequently visually observed. However, applying a standardized process we could only reach signal sensitivities to identify pregnancies up to 20 percentage points above chance level. Conclusions Based on a standardized and reproducible method it could be confirmed that some pregnancies leave visible signals in the tooth cementum. The results show the potential of the tooth cementum to support reconstruction of life courses in paleopathology. However, it seems that not all pregnancies affect the cementogenesis in such a way that irregular ILs are identifiable. Further research is needed to better understand which type of pregnancies and other conditions are recorded in the tooth cementum.
Publisher Public Library of Science
ISSN/ISBN 1932-6203
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0267336
PubMed ID
ISI-Number 000892051000005
Document type (ISI) Journal Article

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