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Quasiparticle poisoning in trivial and topological Josephson junctions
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4657250
Author(s) Svetogorov, Aleksandr E.; Loss, Daniel; Klinovaja, Jelena
Author(s) at UniBasel Klinovaja, Jelena
Loss, Daniel
Year 2022
Title Quasiparticle poisoning in trivial and topological Josephson junctions
Journal Physical review B: Condensed matter and materials physics
Volume 105
Number 17
Pages / Article-Number 174519
Abstract We theoretically study a short single-channel Josephson junction between superconductors in the trivial and topological phases. The junction is assumed to be biased by a small current and subjected to quasiparticle poisoning. We find that the presence of quasiparticles leads to a voltage signal from the Josephson junction that can be observed both in the trivial and topological phases. Quite remarkably, these voltage signatures are sufficiently different in the two phases such that they can serve as means to clearly distinguish between trivial Andreev and topological Majorana bound states in the system. Moreover, these voltage signatures, in the trivial and topological phases, would allow one to directly measure the quasiparticle poisoning rates and test various approaches for protection against quasiparticle poisoning.
Publisher American Physical Society
ISSN/ISBN 1098-0121 ; 1550-235X
Full Text on edoc Available
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1103/PhysRevB.105.174519
ISI-Number WOS:000808472000003
Document type (ISI) Article

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