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VectorDisk: a microfluidic platform integrating diagnostic markers for evidence-based mosquito control
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4652508
Author(s) Hin, S.; Baumgartner, D.; Specht, M.; Lüddecke, J.; Mahmodi Arjmand, E.; Johannsen, B.; Schiedel, L.; Rombach, M.; Paust, N.; Von Stetten, F.; Zengerle, R.; Wipf, N.; Müller, P.; Mavridis, K.; Vontas, J.; Mitsakakis, K.
Author(s) at UniBasel Wipf, Nadja
Müller, Pie
Year 2020
Title VectorDisk: a microfluidic platform integrating diagnostic markers for evidence-based mosquito control
Journal Processes
Volume 8
Number 12
Pages / Article-Number 1677
Abstract Effective mosquito monitoring relies on the accurate identification and characterization of the target population. Since this process requires specialist knowledge and equipment that is not widely available, automated field-deployable systems are highly desirable. We present a centrifugal microfluidic cartridge, the VectorDisk, which integrates TaqMan PCR assays in two feasibility studies, aiming to assess multiplexing capability, specificity, and reproducibility in detecting disk-integrated vector-related assays. In the first study, pools of 10 mosquitoes were used as samples. We tested 18 disks with 27 DNA and RNA assays each, using a combination of multiple microfluidic chambers and detection wavelengths (geometric and color multiplexing) to identify mosquito and malaria parasite species as well as insecticide resistance mechanisms. In the second study, purified nucleic acids served as samples to test arboviral and malaria infective mosquito assays. Nine disks were tested with 14 assays each. No false positive results were detected on any of the disks. The coe cient of variation in reproducibility tests was <10%. The modular nature of the platform, the easy adaptation of the primer/probe panels, the cold chain independence, the rapid (2-3 h) analysis, and the assay multiplexing capacity are key features, rendering the VectorDisk a potential candidate for automated vector analysis.
Full Text on edoc Available
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.3390/pr8121677
ISI-Number WOS:000602408900001
Document type (ISI) Article

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