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Personal radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposure of adolescents in the Greater London area in the SCAMP cohort and the association with restrictions on permitted use of mobile communication technologies at school and at home
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4651835
Author(s) Schmutz, C.; Bürgler, A.; Ashta, N.; Soenksen, J.; Karim, Y. B.; Shen, C.; Smith, R. B.; Jenkins, R. H.; Mireku, M. O.; Mutz, J.; Maes, M. J. A.; Hirst, R.; Chang, I.; Fleming, C.; Mussa, A.; Kesary, D.; Addison, D.; Maslanyj, M.; Toledano, M. B.; Röösli, M.; Eeftens, M.
Author(s) at UniBasel Schmutz, Claudia
Bürgler, Alexandra
Ashta, Narain M.
Sönksen, Jana Sophia
Röösli, Martin
Eeftens, Marloes
Year 2022
Title Personal radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposure of adolescents in the Greater London area in the SCAMP cohort and the association with restrictions on permitted use of mobile communication technologies at school and at home
Journal Environmental research
Volume 212
Number Pt B
Pages / Article-Number 113252
Mesh terms Adolescent; Cell Phone; Cognition; Cohort Studies; Communication; Electromagnetic Fields; Environmental Exposure; Humans; London; Radio Waves; Schools
Abstract Personal measurements of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) have been used in several studies to characterise personal exposure in daily life, but such data are limitedly available for adolescents, and not yet for the United Kingdom (UK). In this study, we aimed to characterise personal exposure to RF-EMF in adolescents and to study the association between exposure and rules applied at school and at home to restrict wireless communication use, likely implemented to reduce other effects of mobile technology (e.g. distraction). We measured exposure to RF-EMF for 16 common frequency bands (87.5 MHz-3.5 GHz), using portable measurement devices (ExpoM-RF), in a subsample of adolescents participating in the cohort Study of Cognition, Adolescents and Mobile Phones (SCAMP) from Greater London (UK) (n = 188). School and home rules were assessed by questionnaire and concerned the school's availability of WiFi and mobile phone policy, and parental restrictions on permitted mobile phone use. Adolescents recorded their activities in real time using a diary app on a study smartphone, while characterizing their personal RF-EMF exposure in daily life, during different activities and times of the day. Data analysis was done for 148 adolescents from 29 schools who recorded RF-EMF data for a median duration of 47 h. The majority (74%) of adolescents spent part of their time at school during the measurement period. Median total RF-EMF exposure was 40 μW/m2 at home, 94 μW/m2 at school, and 100 μW/m2 overall. In general, restrictions at school or at home made little difference for adolescents' measured exposure to RF-EMF, except for uplink exposure from mobile phones while at school, which was found to be significantly lower for adolescents attending schools not permitting phone use at all, compared to adolescents attending schools allowing mobile phone use during breaks. This difference was not statistically significant for total personal exposure. Total exposure to RF-EMF in adolescents living in Greater London tended to be higher compared to exposure levels reported in other European countries. This study suggests that school policies and parental restrictions are not associated with a lower RF-EMF exposure in adolescents.
ISSN/ISBN 1096-0953
Full Text on edoc Available
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1016/j.envres.2022.113252
PubMed ID
ISI-Number WOS:000793471100001
Document type (ISI) Journal Article

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