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Psychosocial health and physical activity in people with major depression in the context of COVID-19
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4651036
Author(s) Cody, Robyn; Kreppke, Jan-Niklas; Beck, Johannes; Donath, Lars; Eckert, Anne; Imboden, Christian; Hatzinger, Martin; Holsboer-Trachsler, Edith; Lang, Undine E.; Ludyga, Sebastian; Mans, Sarah; Mikoteit, Thorsten; Oswald, Anja; Rogausch, Anja; Schweinfurth, Nina; Zahner, Lukas; Faude, Oliver; Gerber, Markus
Author(s) at UniBasel Cody, Robyn
Kreppke, Jan-Niklas
Gerber, Markus
Ludyga, Sebastian
Zahner, Lukas
Faude, Oliver
Year 2021
Title Psychosocial health and physical activity in people with major depression in the context of COVID-19
Journal Frontiers in Sports and Active Living
Pages / Article-Number 685117
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