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Computational identification of a systemic antibiotic for gram-negative bacteria
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4649944
Author(s) Miller, Ryan D.; Iinishi, Akira; Modaresi, Seyed Majed; Yoo, Byung-Kuk; Curtis, Thomas D.; Lariviere, Patrick J.; Liang, Libang; Son, Sangkeun; Nicolau, Samantha; Bargabos, Rachel; Morrissette, Madeleine; Gates, Michael F.; Pitt, Norman; Jakob, Roman P.; Rath, Parthasarathi; Maier, Timm; Malyutin, Andrey G.; Kaiser, Jens T.; Niles, Samantha; Karavas, Blake; Ghiglieri, Meghan; Bowman, Sarah E. J.; Rees, Douglas C.; Hiller, Sebastian; Lewis, Kim
Author(s) at UniBasel Maier, Timm
Modaresi, Seyed Majed
Jakob, Roman Peter
Rath, Parthasarathi
Hiller, Sebastian
Year 2022
Title Computational identification of a systemic antibiotic for gram-negative bacteria
Journal Nature Microbiology
Volume 7
Number 10
Pages / Article-Number 1661-1672
Mesh terms Animals; Anti-Bacterial Agents, metabolism, pharmacology; Bacterial Outer Membrane Proteins, metabolism; Escherichia coli, metabolism; Escherichia coli Proteins, genetics; Gram-Negative Bacteria, metabolism; Mice; Peptides, metabolism; Phenylpropionates
Abstract Discovery of antibiotics acting against Gram-negative species is uniquely challenging due to their restrictive penetration barrier. BamA, which inserts proteins into the outer membrane, is an attractive target due to its surface location. Darobactins produced by Photorhabdus, a nematode gut microbiome symbiont, target BamA. We reasoned that a computational search for genes only distantly related to the darobactin operon may lead to novel compounds. Following this clue, we identified dynobactin A, a novel peptide antibiotic from Photorhabdus australis containing two unlinked rings. Dynobactin is structurally unrelated to darobactins, but also targets BamA. Based on a BamA-dynobactin co-crystal structure and a BAM-complex-dynobactin cryo-EM structure, we show that dynobactin binds to the BamA lateral gate, uniquely protruding into its β-barrel lumen. Dynobactin showed efficacy in a mouse systemic Escherichia coli infection. This study demonstrates the utility of computational approaches to antibiotic discovery and suggests that dynobactin is a promising lead for drug development.
Publisher Nature Publishing Group
ISSN/ISBN 2058-5276
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1038/s41564-022-01227-4
PubMed ID
ISI-Number WOS:000859693500003
Document type (ISI) Journal Article

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