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Multiomic atlas with functional stratification and developmental dynamics of zebrafish cis-regulatory elements
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4647756
Author(s) Baranasic, Damir; Hörtenhuber, Matthias; Balwierz, Piotr J.; Zehnder, Tobias; Mukarram, Abdul Kadir; Nepal, Chirag; Várnai, Csilla; Hadzhiev, Yavor; Jimenez-Gonzalez, Ada; Li, Nan; Wragg, Joseph; D'Orazio, Fabio M.; Relic, Dorde; Pachkov, Mikhail; Díaz, Noelia; Hernández-Rodríguez, Benjamín; Chen, Zelin; Stoiber, Marcus; Dong, Michaël; Stevens, Irene; Ross, Samuel E.; Eagle, Anne; Martin, Ryan; Obasaju, Oluwapelumi; Rastegar, Sepand; McGarvey, Alison C.; Kopp, Wolfgang; Chambers, Emily; Wang, Dennis; Kim, Hyejeong R.; Acemel, Rafael D.; Naranjo, Silvia; Łapiński, Maciej; Chong, Vanessa; Mathavan, Sinnakaruppan; Peers, Bernard; Sauka-Spengler, Tatjana; Vingron, Martin; Carninci, Piero; Ohler, Uwe; Lacadie, Scott Allen; Burgess, Shawn M.; Winata, Cecilia; van Eeden, Freek; Vaquerizas, Juan M.; Gómez-Skarmeta, José Luis; Onichtchouk, Daria; Brown, Ben James; Bogdanovic, Ozren; van Nimwegen, Erik; Westerfield, Monte; Wardle, Fiona C.; Daub, Carsten O.; Lenhard, Boris; Müller, Ferenc
Author(s) at UniBasel van Nimwegen, Erik
Relic, Dorde
Pachkov, Mikhail
Year 2022
Title Multiomic atlas with functional stratification and developmental dynamics of zebrafish cis-regulatory elements
Journal Nature Genetics
Volume 54
Number 7
Pages / Article-Number 1037-1050
Mesh terms Animals; Chromatin, genetics; Databases, Genetic; Gene Expression Regulation, Developmental; Genome, genetics; Genomics; Humans; Mice; Molecular Sequence Annotation; Organogenesis, genetics; Regulatory Sequences, Nucleic Acid, genetics; Zebrafish, embryology, genetics; Zebrafish Proteins, genetics
Abstract Zebrafish, a popular organism for studying embryonic development and for modeling human diseases, has so far lacked a systematic functional annotation program akin to those in other animal models. To address this, we formed the international DANIO-CODE consortium and created a central repository to store and process zebrafish developmental functional genomic data. Our data coordination center ( ) combines a total of 1,802 sets of unpublished and re-analyzed published genomic data, which we used to improve existing annotations and show its utility in experimental design. We identified over 140,000 cis-regulatory elements throughout development, including classes with distinct features dependent on their activity in time and space. We delineated the distinct distance topology and chromatin features between regulatory elements active during zygotic genome activation and those active during organogenesis. Finally, we matched regulatory elements and epigenomic landscapes between zebrafish and mouse and predicted functional relationships between them beyond sequence similarity, thus extending the utility of zebrafish developmental genomics to mammals.
Publisher Nature Publishing Group
ISSN/ISBN 1061-4036 ; 1546-1718
Full Text on edoc Available
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1038/s41588-022-01089-w
PubMed ID
ISI-Number WOS:000820567300001
Document type (ISI) Journal Article

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