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Absence of familiarity triggers hallmarks of autism in mouse model through aberrant tail-of-striatum and prelimbic cortex signaling
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4647575
Author(s) Krüttner, Sebastian; Falasconi, Antonio; Valbuena, Sergio; Galimberti, Ivan; Bouwmeester, Tewis; Arber, Silvia; Caroni, Pico
Author(s) at UniBasel Arber, Silvia
Falasconi, Antonio
Year 2022
Title Absence of familiarity triggers hallmarks of autism in mouse model through aberrant tail-of-striatum and prelimbic cortex signaling
Journal Neuron
Volume 110
Number 9
Pages / Article-Number 1468-1482.e5
Keywords Shank3−/− model mice; connecting hallmarks of autism; context-specific control of engagement; dopamine signals in tail of striatum; networks involved in autism; novelty aversion and autism hallmarks; prefrontal control of engagement; prefrontal-to-striatal circuitry
Mesh terms Animals; Autism Spectrum Disorder, genetics; Autistic Disorder, genetics; Corpus Striatum; Disease Models, Animal; Mice; Microfilament Proteins; Nerve Tissue Proteins, genetics
Abstract Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) involves genetic and environmental components. The underlying circuit mechanisms are unclear, but behaviorally, aversion toward unfamiliarity, a hallmark of autism, might be involved. Here, we show that in Shank3; ΔC/ΔC; ASD model mice, exposure to novel environments lacking familiar features produces long-lasting failure to engage and repetitive behaviors upon re-exposure. Inclusion of familiar features at first context exposure prevented enhanced dopamine transients in tail of striatum (TS) and restored context-specific control of engagement to wild-type levels in Shank3; ΔC/ΔC; mice. Engagement upon context re-exposure depended on the activity in prelimbic cortex (PreL)-to-TS projection neurons in wild-type mice and was restored in Shank3; ΔC/ΔC; mice by the chemogenetic activation of PreL→TS projection neurons. Environmental enrichment prevented ASD-like phenotypes by obviating the dependence on PreL→TS activity. Therefore, novel context experience has a key role in triggering ASD-like phenotypes in genetically predisposed mice, and behavioral therapies involving familiarity and enrichment might prevent the emergence of ASD phenotypes.
Publisher Elsevier
ISSN/ISBN 0896-6273 ; 1097-4199
Full Text on edoc Available
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1016/j.neuron.2022.02.001
PubMed ID
ISI-Number WOS:000802218100008
Document type (ISI) Journal Article

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