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Infektion als Narration. Zur Struktur und Semantik einer Erzählfigur
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4645874
Author(s) Dümling, Sebastian
Author(s) at UniBasel Dümling, Sebastian
Year 2022
Title Infektion als Narration. Zur Struktur und Semantik einer Erzählfigur
Journal Fabula. Zeitschrift für Erzählforschung
Volume 63
Number 1-2
Pages / Article-Number 1-25
Abstract This article is concerned with popular infection narratives that belong to various genres or media, specifically comic, (horror) film, short story, and journalism. By drawing on the models of specifically narratological theory, the aim is, first, to develop the thesis that infections and narratives, understood as cultural phenomena, have pronounced structural and semantic similarities that make it possible to narrate about infections with particular effect and authority. Second, the article aims to show that infection narratives are grand narrative s, not only because they are narratives about narrative, and not only because the effective circulation of infection narratives follows from the general logic of narrative itself, but also because they narratively reflect the fundamental forms of difference on which cultural self-definition depends.
Publisher De Gruyter
ISSN/ISBN 0014-6242 ; 1613-0464
Full Text on edoc Restricted
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1515/fabula-2022-0001

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