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Comparative hard x-ray tomography for virtual histology of zebrafish larva, human tooth cementum, and porcine nerve
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4642875
Author(s) Migga, Alexandra; Schulz, Georg; Rodgers, Griffin; Osterwalder, Melissa; Tanner, Christine; Blank, Holger; Jerjen, Iwan; Salmon, Phil; Twengström, William; Scheel, Mario; Weitkamp, Timm; Schlepütz, Christian M.; Bolten, Jan S.; Huwyler, Jörg; Hotz, Gerhard; Madduri, Srinivas; Müller, Bert
Author(s) at UniBasel Huwyler, Jörg
Migga, Alexandra
Schulz, Georg
Osterwalder, Melissa
Rodgers, Griffin
Tanner, Christine
Bolten, Jan Stephan
Hotz, Gerhard
Madduri, Srinivas
Müller, Bert
Year 2022
Title Comparative hard x-ray tomography for virtual histology of zebrafish larva, human tooth cementum, and porcine nerve
Journal Journal of medical imaging
Volume 9
Number 3
Pages / Article-Number 031507
Keywords Tomography, Teeth, Nerve, Spatial resolution, Cements, Hard x-rays, Synchrotrons, Imaging Systems; Tissues; Data acquisition
Abstract Purpose: Synchrotron radiation-based tomography yields microanatomical features in human and animal tissues without physical slicing. Recent advances in instrumentation have made laboratory-based phase tomography feasible. We compared the performance of three cutting-edge laboratory systems benchmarked by synchrotron radiation-based tomography for three specimens. As an additional criterion, the user-friendliness of the three microtomography systems was considered. Approach: The three tomography systems-SkyScan 2214 (Bruker-microCT, Kontich, Belgium), Exciscope prototype (Stockholm, Sweden), and Xradia 620 Versa (Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany)-were given 36 h to measure three medically relevant specimens, namely, zebrafish larva, archaeological human tooth, and porcine nerve. The obtained datasets were registered to the benchmark synchrotron radiation-based tomography from the same specimens and selected ones to the SkyScan 1275 and phoenix nanotom m ® laboratory systems to characterize development over the last decade. Results: Next-generation laboratory-based microtomography almost reached the quality achieved by synchrotron-radiation facilities with respect to spatial and density resolution, as indicated by the visualization of the medically relevant microanatomical features. The SkyScan 2214 system and the Exciscope prototype demonstrated the complementarity of phase information by imaging the eyes of the zebrafish larva. The 3-μm thin annual layers in the tooth cementum were identified using Xradia 620 Versa. Conclusions: SkyScan 2214 was the simplest system and was well-suited to visualizing the wealth of anatomical features in the zebrafish larva. Data from the Exciscope prototype with the high photon flux from the liquid metal source showed the spiral nature of the myelin sheaths in the porcine nerve. Xradia 620 Versa, with detector optics as typically installed for synchrotron tomography beamlines, enabled the three-dimensional visualization of the zebrafish larva with comparable quality to the synchrotron data and the annual layers in the tooth cementum.
ISSN/ISBN 0920-5497
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1117/1.JMI.9.3.031507
PubMed ID
ISI-Number MEDLINE:35372637
Document type (ISI) Journal Article

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