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Mechanistic basis of choline import involved in teichoic acids and lipopolysaccharide modification
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4642135
Author(s) Bärland, Natalie; Rueff, Anne-Stéphanie; Cebrero, Gonzalo; Hutter, Cedric A. J.; Seeger, Markus A.; Veening, Jan-Willem; Perez, Camilo
Author(s) at UniBasel Bärland, Natalie
Cebrero, Gonzalo Felipe
Perez, Camilo
Year 2022
Title Mechanistic basis of choline import involved in teichoic acids and lipopolysaccharide modification
Journal Science Advances
Volume 8
Number 9
Pages / Article-Number eabm1122
Abstract Phosphocholine molecules decorating bacterial cell wall teichoic acids and outer-membrane lipopolysaccharide have fundamental roles in adhesion to host cells, immune evasion, and persistence. Bacteria carrying the operon that performs phosphocholine decoration synthesize phosphocholine after uptake of the choline precursor by LicB, a conserved transporter among divergent species.; Streptococcus pneumoniae; is a prominent pathogen where phosphocholine decoration plays a fundamental role in virulence. Here, we present cryo-electron microscopy and crystal structures of; S. pneumoniae; LicB, revealing distinct conformational states and describing architectural and mechanistic elements essential to choline import. Together with in vitro and in vivo functional characterization, we found that LicB displays proton-coupled import activity and promiscuous selectivity involved in adaptation to choline deprivation conditions, and describe LicB inhibition by synthetic nanobodies (sybodies). Our results provide previously unknown insights into the molecular mechanism of a key transporter involved in bacterial pathogenesis and establish a basis for inhibition of the phosphocholine modification pathway across bacterial phyla.
Publisher American Association for the Advancement of Science
ISSN/ISBN 2375-2548
Full Text on edoc Available
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1126/sciadv.abm1122
PubMed ID
ISI-Number MEDLINE:35235350
Document type (ISI) Journal Article

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