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Genome-wide gene expression noise in Escherichia coli is condition-dependent and determined by propagation of noise through the regulatory network
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4639778
Author(s) Urchueguía, Arantxa; Galbusera, Luca; Chauvin, Dany; Bellement, Gwendoline; Julou, Thomas; van Nimwegen, Erik
Author(s) at UniBasel van Nimwegen, Erik
Urchueguia Fornes, Arantxa
Galbusera, Luca
Chauvin, Dany
Bellement-Théroué, Gwendoline
Julou, Thomas
Year 2021
Title Genome-wide gene expression noise in Escherichia coli is condition-dependent and determined by propagation of noise through the regulatory network
Journal PLoS Biology
Volume 19
Number 12
Pages / Article-Number e3001491
Abstract Although it is well appreciated that gene expression is inherently noisy and that transcriptional noise is encoded in a promoter's sequence, little is known about the extent to which noise levels of individual promoters vary across growth conditions. Using flow cytometry, we here quantify transcriptional noise in Escherichia coli genome-wide across 8 growth conditions and find that noise levels systematically decrease with growth rate, with a condition-dependent lower bound on noise. Whereas constitutive promoters consistently exhibit low noise in all conditions, regulated promoters are both more noisy on average and more variable in noise across conditions. Moreover, individual promoters show highly distinct variation in noise across conditions. We show that a simple model of noise propagation from regulators to their targets can explain a significant fraction of the variation in relative noise levels and identifies TFs that most contribute to both condition-specific and condition-independent noise propagation. In addition, analysis of the genome-wide correlation structure of various gene properties shows that gene regulation, expression noise, and noise plasticity are all positively correlated genome-wide and vary independently of variations in absolute expression, codon bias, and evolutionary rate. Together, our results show that while absolute expression noise tends to decrease with growth rate, relative noise levels of genes are highly condition-dependent and determined by the propagation of noise through the gene regulatory network.
Publisher Public Library of Science
ISSN/ISBN 1544-9173 ; 1545-7885
Full Text on edoc Available
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1371/journal.pbio.3001491
PubMed ID
ISI-Number WOS:000731450900001
Document type (ISI) Journal Article

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