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Using Network Science to Understand the Aging Lexicon: Linking Individuals' Experience, Semantic Networks, and Cognitive Performance
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4636023
Author(s) Wulff, Dirk U; De Deyne, Simon; Aeschbach, Samuel; Mata, Rui
Author(s) at UniBasel Mata, Rui
Wulff, Dirk
Aeschbach, Samuel
Year 2022
Title Using Network Science to Understand the Aging Lexicon: Linking Individuals' Experience, Semantic Networks, and Cognitive Performance
Journal Topics in Cognitive Neuroscience
Volume 14
Number 1
Pages / Article-Number 93-110
Keywords semantic networks, cognitive aging, individual differences

People undergo many idiosyncratic experiences throughout their lives that may contribute to individual differences in the size and structure of their knowledge representations. Ultimately, these can have important implications for individuals' cognitive performance. We review evidence that suggests a relationship between individual experiences, the size and structure of semantic representations, as well as individual and age differences in cognitive performance. We conclude that the extent to which experience-dependent changes in semantic representations contribute to individual differences in cognitive aging remains unclear. To help fill this gap, we outline an empirical agenda that utilizes network analysis and involves the concurrent assessment of large-scale semantic networks and cognitive performance in younger and older adults. We present preliminary data to establish the feasibility and limitations of such empirical, network-analytical approaches.

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Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1111/tops.12586
PubMed ID

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