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A field perspective on sustainability transitions: The case of religious organizations
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4635782
Author(s) Koehrsen, Jens; Huber, Fabian
Author(s) at UniBasel Köhrsen, Jens
Huber, Fabian
Year 2021
Title A field perspective on sustainability transitions: The case of religious organizations
Journal Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions
Volume 40
Pages / Article-Number 408-420
Keywords Sustainability, Religion, Field theory, Power Scales
Abstract This article proposes the field perspective as an approach to explain organizational activities in sustainability transitions. It applies this framework to analyze environmental activities of religious organizations in Germany and Switzerland. Religious organizations can become important actors in transitions by drawing on their extensive membership, material resources, and public visibility. However, to date, research is dearth about the conditions that facilitate transition activities of religious organizations. The empirical insights of this study show differences in the activities (a) between religious incumbents and challengers and (b) between the supra-local and local scale. The field perspective allows for explaining these differences as outcomes of the organizations' power positions and diverging institutional logics on the supra-local and local scale. Rather than religious beliefs, the interplay of power and scale-specific logics shapes activities of religious organizations.
Publisher Elsevier
ISSN/ISBN 1488-3473 ; 2210-4224
Full Text on edoc Available
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1016/j.eist.2021.09.005
ISI-Number WOS:000706303300003
Document type (ISI) Article
Top-publication of... Köhrsen, Jens

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