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Extended Access to Hormonal Contraception in Pharmacies: A Survey among Swiss Pharmacists.
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4631772
Author(s) Yous, Tamara; Allemann, Samuel; Lutters, Monika
Author(s) at UniBasel Allemann, Samuel
Year 2020
Title Extended Access to Hormonal Contraception in Pharmacies: A Survey among Swiss Pharmacists.
Journal Pharmacy (Basel, Switzerland)
Volume 8
Number 4
Pages / Article-Number 210
Keywords birth control; community pharmacist; hormonal contraceptives; pharmaceutical services; pharmacies

Worldwide the availability to Hormonal Contraceptives (HC) varies from over the counter (OTC) to prescription-only access. In various countries pharmacists are allowed to prescribe HC, although conditions may be different. In Switzerland, HC require a prescription from a physician, although Swiss law allows pharmacists to dispense prescription-only medications in justified exceptional cases without a valid physician's prescription. This study aimed to identify current dispensing practices for HC in Swiss pharmacies, pharmacists' knowledge about HC, and their opinion and interest about expanding access to HC.; Web-based survey among Swiss pharmacists.; This survey was completed by 397 registered pharmacists and 331 (83%) were included for analysis. The survey showed that 21% of respondents regularly dispense HC without prescription and that a high number of participants are either very interested (57%,; n; = 189) or rather interested (33%,; n; = 110) in extended pharmacy access to HC. The majority did not or rather not support physician's prescription-only status (77%,; n; = 256) or OTC availability (94%,; n; = 310). Furthermore, surveyed pharmacists are willing to train for contraception services (90%,; n; = 299). According to participants, resistance of physicians is the most relevant barrier to this service (88%,; n; = 292).; Surveyed pharmacists are interested in extended access to HC.

ISSN/ISBN 2226-4787
Full Text on edoc
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.3390/pharmacy8040210
PubMed ID

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