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Lower relative abundance of ectomycorrhizal fungi under a warmer and drier climate is linked to enhanced soil organic matter decomposition
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4631719
Author(s) Querejeta, José Ignacio; Schlaeppi, Klaus; López-García, Álvaro; Ondoño, Sara; Prieto, Iván; van der Heijden, Marcel G. A.; Del Mar Alguacil, María
Author(s) at UniBasel Schläppi, Klaus
Year 2021
Title Lower relative abundance of ectomycorrhizal fungi under a warmer and drier climate is linked to enhanced soil organic matter decomposition
Journal The New phytologist
Volume 232
Number 3
Pages / Article-Number 1399-1413
Keywords Gadgil effect; dissolved nitrogen; dissolved organic carbon; extracellular hydrolytic soil enzymes; fungal functional guilds; mixed arbuscular/ectomycorrhizal (AM/EM) ecosystems; mycorrhizal nutrient economy
Mesh terms Carbon; Ecosystem; Fungi; Mycorrhizae; Nitrogen; Soil; Soil Microbiology
Abstract The aboveground impacts of climate change receive extensive research attention, but climate change could also alter belowground processes such as the delicate balance between free-living fungal decomposers and nutrient-scavenging mycorrhizal fungi that can inhibit decomposition through a mechanism called the Gadgil effect. We investigated how climate change-induced reductions in plant survival, photosynthesis and productivity alter soil fungal community composition in a mixed arbuscular/ectomycorrhizal (AM/EM) semiarid shrubland exposed to experimental warming (W) and/or rainfall reduction (RR). We hypothesised that increased EM host plant mortality under a warmer and drier climate might decrease ectomycorrhizal fungal (EMF) abundance, thereby favouring the proliferation and activity of fungal saprotrophs. The relative abundance of EMF sequences decreased by 57.5% under W+RR, which was accompanied by reductions in the activity of hydrolytic enzymes involved in the acquisition of organic-bound nutrients by EMF and their host plants. W+RR thereby created an enhanced potential for soil organic matter (SOM) breakdown and nitrogen mineralisation by decomposers, as revealed by 127-190% increases in dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen, respectively, and decreasing SOM content in soil. Climate aridification impacts on vegetation can cascade belowground through shifts in fungal guild structure that alter ecosystem biogeochemistry and accelerate SOM decomposition by reducing the Gadgil effect.
ISSN/ISBN 0028-646X
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1111/nph.17661
PubMed ID
ISI-Number 000687683100001
Document type (ISI) Journal Article

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