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Release of stem cells from quiescence reveals gliogenic domains in the adult mouse brain
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4631631
Author(s) Delgado, Ana C.; Maldonado-Soto, Angel R.; Silva-Vargas, Violeta; Mizrak, Dogukan; von Känel, Thomas; Tan, Kelly R.; Paul, Alex; Madar, Aviv; Cuervo, Henar; Kitajewski, Jan; Lin, Chyuan-Sheng; Doetsch, Fiona
Author(s) at UniBasel Doetsch, Fiona
Delgado Fumero, Ana
Silva Vargas, Violeta
von Känel, Thomas
Tan, Kelly
Year 2021
Title Release of stem cells from quiescence reveals gliogenic domains in the adult mouse brain
Journal Science (New York, N.Y.)
Volume 372
Number 6547
Pages / Article-Number 1205-1209
Mesh terms Adult Stem Cells, physiology; Animals; Astrocytes, cytology, physiology; Axons, physiology; Cell Differentiation; Cell Division; Cerebral Ventricles, cytology, physiology; Ependyma, cytology, physiology; Female; Gene Expression Profiling; Homeostasis; Lateral Ventricles, cytology, physiology; Male; Mice; Neural Stem Cells, physiology; Neurogenesis; Neuroglia, physiology; Olfactory Bulb, cytology, physiology; Oligodendroglia, cytology, physiology; Receptor, Platelet-Derived Growth Factor beta, genetics, metabolism
Abstract Quiescent neural stem cells (NSCs) in the adult mouse ventricular-subventricular zone (V-SVZ) undergo activation to generate neurons and some glia. Here we show that platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta (PDGFRβ) is expressed by adult V-SVZ NSCs that generate olfactory bulb interneurons and glia. Selective deletion of PDGFRβ in adult V-SVZ NSCs leads to their release from quiescence, uncovering gliogenic domains for different glial cell types. These domains are also recruited upon injury. We identify an intraventricular oligodendrocyte progenitor derived from NSCs inside the brain ventricles that contacts supraependymal axons. Together, our findings reveal that the adult V-SVZ contains spatial domains for gliogenesis, in addition to those for neurogenesis. These gliogenic NSC domains tend to be quiescent under homeostasis and may contribute to brain plasticity.
Publisher American Association for the Advancement of Science
ISSN/ISBN 1095-9203
Full Text on edoc Available
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1126/science.abg8467
PubMed ID
ISI-Number WOS:000662088000028
Document type (ISI) Journal Article

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