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Animal husbandry between the Roman times and the High Middle Ages in central Europe: a biometrical analysis of cattle, sheep and pig
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4626452
Author(s) Grau-Sologestoa, Idoia; Ginella, Francesca; Marti-Grädel, Elisabeth; Stopp, Barbara; Deschler-Erb, Sabine
Author(s) at UniBasel Grau, Idoia
Ginella, Francesca
Marti-Grädel, Elisabeth
Stopp, Barbara
Deschler-Erb, Sabine
Year 2021
Title Animal husbandry between the Roman times and the High Middle Ages in central Europe: a biometrical analysis of cattle, sheep and pig
Journal Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences
Volume 13
Pages / Article-Number 176
Abstract This paper presents a meta-analysis of biometrical data of cattle ( Bos taurus ), sheep ( Ovis aries ), and pig ( Sus domesticus ), with a diachronic, long-term approach (first-twelfth centuries AD) and at a large regional scale (Switzerland and adjacent areas of France), with the aim of looking at changes in animal husbandry during the transition between Roman times and the Early Middle Ages. With this in mind, a comprehensive biometrical analysis is carried out, on the basis of the log-ratio technique (or logarithmic size index - LSI). The results show an increase of the size of domesticates during the Late Roman period, as well as a long period of size decrease in the subsequent centuries. The possible reasons behind this size decrease are discussed, focusing on three factors: a genetic change, less direct control over feeding and breeding, and changing patterns of herd sex ratios. We argue that these changes should be seen as an efficient adaptation of animal husbandry strategies to broader social, economic, and political transformations.
Publisher Springer
ISSN/ISBN 1866-9557 ; 1866-9565
Full Text on edoc Available
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1007/s12520-021-01426-w

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