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Summer temperatures during the last glaciation (MIS 5c to MIS 3) inferred from a 50,000-year chironomid record from Füramoos, southern Germany
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4624451
Author(s) Bolland, Alexander; Kern, Oliver A.; Allstädt, Frederik J.; Peteet, Dorothy; Koutsodendris, Andreas; Pross, Jörg; Heiri, Oliver
Author(s) at UniBasel Heiri, Oliver
Year 2021
Title Summer temperatures during the last glaciation (MIS 5c to MIS 3) inferred from a 50,000-year chironomid record from Füramoos, southern Germany
Journal Quaternary Science Reviews
Volume 264
Pages / Article-Number 107008
Keywords Chironomids, Central Europe, Palaeoecology, Palaeoclimate, Summer temperature, Würmian glaciation, Last glacial Period
Abstract There is a sparsity of long, continuous palaeotemperature records for the last glacial period in central Europe, particularly for the interval corresponding to Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 4 and 3. Here we present a new, ca. 50-thousand year (ka)-long chironomid record from Füramoos, southern Germany, covering the interval from MIS 5a to MIS 3 that we use to examine lake development and then to quantitatively reconstruct mean July air temperatures. Chironomid assemblages with high abundances of taxa such as Polypedilum nubeculosum-type, Microtendipes pedellus-type, Cladopelma lateralis-type and Dicrotendipes nervosus-type imply a shallow-lake setting for the majority of the examined interval, which is corroborated by other aquatic remains such as oribatid mites, Sialidae and Ceratopogonidae. Assemblages from the interval ca. 99 to 80 ka (in the region corresponding to the Brörup Interstadial, Stadial B and early Odderade Interstadial) are dominated by taxa such as Tanytarsus glabrescens-type and Tanytarsus mendax-type and indicate relatively warm temperatures. Assemblages from the interval covering ca. 80 to 54 ka (corresponding to the late Odderade, Stadial C, Dürnten Interstadial and Stadial D) are dominated by taxa such as Sergentia coracina-type and Tanytarsus lugens-type and are typical for cooler conditions. Reconstructed July temperatures for the early Würmian (Brörup to early Odderade; ca. 99–80 ka) are 13–14 °C. Values decline to <10 °C during the late Odderade and Stadial C (ca. 80–77 ka) around the MIS 5a/4 transition. This decrease is coeval with a pronounced decrease in Northern Hemisphere summer insolation. Values stay in the range of 9–11 °C during the Dürnten and Stadial D (ca. 54–74.5 ka) and increase again to 12.5 °C during the Bellamont 1 interstadial (ca. 54–46 ka). Reconstructed July temperatures track changes in arboreal pollen percentages at Füramoos and agree with a summer-temperature decrease during the early to mid-Würmian as reported by other palaeotemperature records from Europe and the North Atlantic. Our chironomid record from Füramoos provides valuable new insights into Würmian climate dynamics in Central Europe, and corroborates other temperature reconstructions from the early to mid-Würmian glacial period.
Publisher Elsevier
ISSN/ISBN 0277-3791
Full Text on edoc Available
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1016/j.quascirev.2021.107008

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