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Plasticity of animal genome architecture unmasked by rapid evolution of a pelagic tunicate
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 462127
Author(s) Denoeud, France; Henriet, Simon; Mungpakdee, Sutada; Aury, Jean-Marc; Da Silva, Corinne; Brinkmann, Henner; Mikhaleva, Jana; Olsen, Lisbeth Charlotte; Jubin, Claire; Cañestro, Cristian; Bouquet, Jean-Marie; Danks, Gemma; Poulain, Julie; Campsteijn, Coen; Adamski, Marcin; Cross, Ismael; Yadetie, Fekadu; Muffato, Matthieu; Louis, Alexandra; Butcher, Stephen; Tsagkogeorga, Georgia; Konrad, Anke; Singh, Sarabdeep; Jensen, Marit Flo; Huynh Cong, Evelyne; Eikeseth-Otteraa, Helen; Noel, Benjamin; Anthouard, Véronique; Porcel, Betina M; Kachouri-Lafond, Rym; Nishino, Atsuo; Ugolini, Matteo; Chourrout, Pascal; Nishida, Hiroki; Aasland, Rein; Huzurbazar, Snehalata; Westhof, Eric; Delsuc, Frédéric; Lehrach, Hans; Reinhardt, Richard; Weissenbach, Jean; Roy, Scott W; Artiguenave, François; Postlethwait, John H; Manak, J Robert; Thompson, Eric M; Jaillon, Olivier; Du Pasquier, Louis; Boudinot, Pierre; Liberles, David A; Volff, Jean-Nicolas; Philippe, Hervé; Lenhard, Boris; Roest Crollius, Hugues; Wincker, Patrick; Chourrout, Daniel
Author(s) at UniBasel Du Pasquier, Louis
Year 2010
Title Plasticity of animal genome architecture unmasked by rapid evolution of a pelagic tunicate
Journal Science
Volume 330
Number 6009
Pages / Article-Number 1381-5
Abstract Genomes of animals as different as sponges and humans show conservation of global architecture. Here we show that multiple genomic features including transposon diversity, developmental gene repertoire, physical gene order, and intron-exon organization are shattered in the tunicate Oikopleura, belonging to the sister group of vertebrates and retaining chordate morphology. Ancestral architecture of animal genomes can be deeply modified and may therefore be largely nonadaptive. This rapidly evolving animal lineage thus offers unique perspectives on the level of genome plasticity. It also illuminates issues as fundamental as the mechanisms of intron gain.
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1126/science.1194167
PubMed ID
ISI-Number WOS:000284902100043
Document type (ISI) Journal Article

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